Woman tells why she sent bloody pig foot to congressman

Jameela with Dustin Hoffman in 1996 (Courtesy of Jameela Barnette)

As a follow up to the story last week about Jameela Barnette, the Marietta woman who allegedly mailed a pig foot to Rep. Peter King and a Curious George doll to N.Y. state Senator Greg Ball, Examiner.com spoke with Mrs. Barnette to find out just why she sent the packages to the lawmakers. In the story last week, Examiner.com detailed how Barnette was accused of sending anti-Semitic and anti-Christian letters along with a bloody pig foot and a stuffed Curious George doll emblazoned with anti-Semitic references. The story was simultaneously published on CaptainKudzu.com, where Jameela left several comments.

Continue reading on Examiner.com: Woman tells why she sent bloody pig foot to congressman – Atlanta Conservative | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/conservative-in-atlanta/woman-tells-why-she-sent-bloody-pig-foot-to-congressman#ixzz1KdStAI82

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3 Responses to “Woman tells why she sent bloody pig foot to congressman”

  1. Bob Wierdsma Says:

    Jameela Barnette has also been sending letters to the Christian Post comments section quoting the Q’uran and adding anti-semitic and “warnings” to Christians as practicing “cannabalism” and “vampirism” – possibly referring to the Catholic Mass.

  2. Bob Wierdsma Says:

    Correction: Jameela Barnette has also been sending letters to the Christian Post comments section quoting the Q’uran and adding anti-semitic comments and “warnings” to Christians as practicing “cannabalism” and “vampirism” – possibly referring to the Catholic Mass.

  3. James Varney Says:

    Islam is the religion of peace. . . . . . ?

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