Occupiers vs. Tea Party

(David Shankbone http://blog.shankbone.org/)

The recent movement to “occupy” Wall St. and various American cities is being likened to a progressive Tea Party by many on the left and in the media.  There are important distinctions between the three-year-old Tea Party movement and the three-week-old occupations.

The most obvious is that the Tea Party is a right-wing movement made of conservatives and libertarians.  These are people who do not normally take part in demonstrations.  Conversely, the left-wingers that make up the occupation movement will typically demonstrate at the drop of a hat.  Over the years there have been leftist demonstrations to save the whales, encourage a nuclear freeze, end global warming, save the spotted owls, and end whichever war is going on at the time, among many others.

Read this article on Examiner.com:


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