Herman Cain leads presidential pack

(Gage Skidmore)

Herman Cain is the new frontrunner in the Republican presidential primary according to a new poll by the Wall Street Journal and NBC.  The poll, which surveyed 1,000 adults and was refined to 336 Republican primary voters, indicated that Georgia native Herman Cain was the first choice of 27 percent of Republican voters.  Cain was followed by Mitt Romney with 23 percent and Rick Perry with 16 percent.  At 11 percent, Ron Paul was the only other candidate to score in double digits.

Read this article on Examiner.com:



The poll also indicated that Cain generates the most enthusiasm among Republican voters.  Forty-five percent of Republican voters said that they would vote for Cain with enthusiasm.  Thirty-nine percent would enthusiastically vote for Romney and 35 percent for Rick Perry.  Conversely, only 27 percent had some reservations about Cain, while 40 percent had reservations about Romney and 39 percent had reservations about Perry.

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  1. Herman Cain 2012 President » hermancain.electionnewstweets.com » Herman Cain leads presidential pack Says:

    […] Herman Cain President 2012 News Source- https://captainkudzu.wordpress.com/2011/10/13/herman-cain-leads-presidential-pack/ […]

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