Roe v. Wade and the global war on girls

Harald Kreutzer/Wikimedia

In the 39 years since the Supreme Court’s ruling in Roe v. Wade, abortion has resulted in a holocaust of unborn babies, not just in the United States, but around the world.  One of the great ironies of the abortion debate is that what its proponents tout as “a woman’s right to choose” has resulted in a genocide against baby girls in many countries.

The root of the problem is that abortion is being coupled with sex determination techniques in many parts of the world.  In many countries, it is considered more desirable to have a boy than a girl.  In some cases, they are patriarchal societies with a bias against women.  In other cases, the reasons are more practical.  Boys can help work the fields and will be better able to care for parents in their old age than a girl who will likely marry and move away from home.  Boys are also needed to maintain the family lineage.


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