Obama gun control would not have prevented Newtown massacre

The president's gun control would not keep guns like this one out of the hands of the mentally ill. (M62/Wikimedia)

The president’s gun control would not keep guns like this one out of the hands of the mentally ill. (M62/Wikimedia)

Yesterday President Obama began the largest push for gun control in decades with a list of proposals for congressional action and series of Executive Orders that the president signed unilaterally. A comprehensive list of the president’s proposals in the New York Timesreveals that the president’s proposals would not have prevented most of the recent mass murders.

While the president’s wish list is long, it conspicuously excludes the one thing that could have prevented several of the recent shootings. President Obama and Vice President Biden did not ask congress to expand instant background checks to include mental health information. As a recentExaminer article discussed, most mass killers have a history or can be reasonably suspected of having mental illness.

Originally published on Examiner.com:



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