Marco Rubio proposes new immigration reform plan

Marco Rubio (US Senate)

Marco Rubio (US Senate)

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fl.) is proposing an immigration reform package in this week’s Weekend Interview in the Wall St. Journal. Rubio, whose name was floated as a potential vice presidential nominee for Mitt Romney, wants to take the immigration issue away from the Democrats. According to Examiner’sanalysis of exit polls of the 2012 presidential election, immigration was one of the most damaging issues for the Republicans.

The first prong of Rubio’s plan is to modernize America’s immigration system. He would issue more immigration visas to immigrants with technical skills needed by U.S. companies.Rubio notes that only 6.5 percent of immigrants come to the U.S. based on their labor and skills, but that American colleges don’t produce enough science, technology, engineering and math graduates to fill open positions. In fact, many foreign students who come to the U.S. to study cannot get visas to stay in the country and work.

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