Myths, lies and conspiracies about the Sandy Hook massacre

President Obama and Madeline Parker

President Obama and Madeline Parker

Often after a violent event that leads to a dramatic shift in public opinion or government policy, conspiracy theories abound.  The Kennedy assassination, the moon landing, and the September 11 attacks all spawned numerous conspiracy theories.  Now the Sandy Hook school massacre in Newtown, Ct. is becoming fodder for the purveyors of conspiracies.


Second shooters and the man in camouflage


One of the first conspiracies about Sandy Hook is that there was a second shooter.  News coverage on the day of the murders showed a man in camouflage who had been arrested in the woods near the school.  Bystanders reported that the man said, “I didn’t do it,” but no information on the man’s identity was forthcoming.


Read the rest on Examiner:

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