The system worked for George Zimmerman



Although many Americans are upset about the not guilty verdict handed down by the jury for George Zimmerman, the case is actually proof that the judicial system still works and is not controlled by politicians and interest groups.  George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old black man, on February 26, 2012.  Although the circumstances of the killing were uncertain, many in the media rushed to judgment and fanned the flames of race almost immediately.


Media reports immediately claimed that Zimmerman was a racist who shot Martin because he was a black man who was walking in Zimmerman’s neighborhood.  As Examiner reported at the time, Zimmerman’s neighborhood was racially mixed and had suffered a large number of burglaries in the months leading up to the shooting.  Martin was staying at his father’s girlfriend’s house, which was in the same gated community where Zimmerman lived.  Logically, Zimmerman would not have been shocked to see a black man in his neighborhood.


Read the rest on Atlanta Conservative Examiner




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