Conservatives, Christians, and the poor

Homeless encampment in Atlanta (David W. Thornton)

Homeless encampment in Atlanta (David W. Thornton)

When it comes to the poor, conservatives and Republicans have a reputation for being heartless.  While this reputation may not be deserved, it is one that must be addressed if Republicans wish to be given the chance to lead a country where the labor rate has fallen to a forty year low and the poverty rate is at a 50 year high.


Even though not all conservatives are Christians, liberals often cite two Biblical passages in support of government programs to aid the poor.  In Matthew 25:45, God admonishes religious people who are about to be cast into “eternal punishment” that “whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.”  Another common citation is the story of the rich young ruler found in Matthew, Mark, and Luke.  In the story, Jesus told the man to “sell all that you have and give to the poor.”

Read the full article on Atlanta Conservative Examiner

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