Posts Tagged ‘indefinite detention’

Five things Republicans should just stop talking about already

February 1, 2014
Ted Cruz (Gage Skidmore)

Ted Cruz (Gage Skidmore)

The Republican Party is doing well in recent polling.  The Obamacare implosion has left the party in position to make significant gains in this year’s midterm elections.  The nonpartisan Rothenberg Political Report shows the Republicans to be competitive in at least seven Senate seats held by Democrats.  Only six seats are needed for the Republicans to win control of the Senate.


The recent Republican success is not purely by strategy.  It can be said to be as much or more in spite of the actions of Republicans than because of them.  For example, the most memorable strategic move by the Republican Party in the past year was the drive to defund the Affordable Care Act.  The strategy resulted in a shutdown of the federal government that caused Republican approval ratings to plummet to levels normally inhabited by used car dealers and lawyers that advertise on daytime television.  The shutdown likely sealed the fate of Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli.


Read the whole article on Atlanta Conservative Examiner


Is Obama really using Executive Order to impose martial law?

March 25, 2012


Over the weekend, a fury erupted over President Obama’s release of an Executive Order that, according to many pundits, gives the president the power to take control of the national economy.  According to normally level-headed commentator Dick Morris, who wrote a column titled “Obama assumes dictatorial powers,” the order gives “him vast powers to control every aspect of the U.S. economy in the event of war or even during a peacetime ‘emergency.’”

The pundits usually link the Executive Order to the National Defense Authorization Act, which many claim gives the president the power to indefinitely detain American citizens on charges of terrorism.  As this column pointed out, the NDAA actually contains a specific exemption for U.S. citizens and legal aliens.  Even if the charges about the law were true, it would be a gross violation of the Constitution and the right to habeas corpus.

Continue reading on Obama’s “dictatorial” Executive Order – Atlanta Conservative |

Questions for Ron Paul

February 8, 2012


Last year, the Atlanta Conservative Examiner published an article that asked several questions of supporters of Barack Obama.  While well-intentioned and honestly seeking the liberal perspective on a number of issues, the response was underwhelming.  Perhaps this was because there are no good answers to the questions asked.

In a similar vein, here are several questions for Republican presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul and his supporters.  Judging from the large response that typically comes from any article mentioning Ron Paul (especially when it mentions him critically), the Paul supporters are likely to have more to say in his defense than the Obama supporters did.

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