Rick Perry takes lead in Georgia

Rick Perry (Jonathan Blundell/Wikimedia)

Texas Governor Rick Perry, who has been a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination less than a week, has jumped to a commanding lead in Georgia.  In an Insider Advantage poll released on August 19, Perry was preferred by 24 percent of likely voters in Georgia.


The second place candidate, Georgia native Herman Cain, was selected by fifteen percent of the respondents, trailing Perry by nine percent.  Another Georgian, Newt Gingrich, finished a distant third with nine percent.


Continue reading on Examiner.com Perry takes lead among Ga. voters – Atlanta Elections 2012 | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/elections-2012-in-atlanta/perry-takes-lead-among-ga-voters#ixzz1VXMBNbmh

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