The end of western civilization

(Bjarki Sigursveinsson/Wikimedia/Public Domain)

The pages of history are littered with the ruins of empires and civilizations.  School children learn about ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Greece, and Rome.  Churchgoers are privy to the history of ancient Israel.  These civilizations disappeared and their remnants became subject to other, more powerful, empires.

Even in modern times, empires have disappeared, sometimes before our very eyes.  Britain won and lost three empires in America, Africa, and India over the last 300 years.  Russia saw the disappearance of both the Tsarist and the communist empires in the 20th century.  The rise and fall of the Third Reich of Germany occurred in less than 20 years.

Given that empires and civilizations around the world have proved fleeting throughout human history, it isn’t absurd to think that American and western civilization will someday be replaced by some new world power.  Given the current state of affairs in the western democracies, it isn’t even absurd to think that day might be rapidly approaching.

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