Posts Tagged ‘2008’

2012 GOP race looks like 2008; Gingrich likely to drop out

March 7, 2012

In the wake of Super Tuesday, this year’s Republican primary is starting to look a lot like 2008.  In the primary of that year, initial results were also muddled with a large field of challengers.  This made the outcome unpredictable as large voting blocs split for different candidates.



Two of the current candidates were also in the 2008 final four.  Mitt Romney and Ron Paul were among the candidates that were not winnowed out after the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary in January.  Mike Huckabee and John McCain, the eventual nominee, were the other major players.  Alan Keyes stayed in the race until April, but received even less support than Ron Paul.  Rudy Guiliani and Fred Thompson, also candidates in early races, helped to further muddy the waters.

Continue reading on Republican field likely to thin after Super Tuesday – Atlanta Elections 2012 |

Meet the candidates: Mitt Romney

June 3, 2011

Mitt Romney (Jessica Rinaldi/Wikimedia Commons)

Voters who followed the 2008 presidential election will probably be familiar with Mitt Romney. Romney is a conservative businessman who ran a three-way race with Mike Huckabee and John McCain for the Republican nomination before finally being defeated by John McCain. Many voters probably remember Romney best for the controversy over his Mormon religion.

Willard Mitt Romney was born in Detroit on March 12, 1947. His father was a CEO of American Motors and a three-term governor of Michigan. His father ran unsuccessfully against Richard Nixon for the GOP nomination for president in 1968. Mitt graduated from an elite private school and then attended Stanford University in the midst of the turbulent ‘60s. At Stanford he was known as a clean cut student and at one point was part of a counter-protest to a sit-in against the draft. After a year at Stanford, he became a Mormon missionary to France for two and a half years.

Continue reading on Meet the candidates: Mitt Romney – Atlanta Elections 2012 |

Obama and racism

May 3, 2011

President Obama has competition from black Republicans (Elizabeth Cromwell)

It is inevitable that racism would become part of the discussion about Barack Obama’s presidency. After all, President Obama is the first black president of the United States. As the son of a Kenyan father and an American mother, he is an authentic African-American and that makes him unique among American presidents.

Many liberals and Democrats present the flap over President Obama’s birth certificate as a racial issue. This is partly true, but it is essentially a constitutional question. Most black candidates would not be subject to the question of whether they were a citizen. It was Obama’s unique background, and his refusal to provide the long form birth certificate for three years, that fueled the fire of the birther movement. Further, a white president, Chester A. Arthur, was opposed by a similar birther movement that believed he was ineligible to be president because he was born in Canada. (He was actually born in Vermont.)

Continue reading on Obama and racism – Atlanta Elections 2012 |

Part 2: The return of the black Republicans

Herman Cain is challenging President Obama (Gage Skidmore)

Rep. Allen West (R-FL)

Rep. Tim Scott (R-SC)

Rep. Jefferson Franklin Long (R-GA), the first black congressman to speak on the floor of the House of Representatives

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