Posts Tagged ‘American’

This weekend: American heritage film series begins at Wesley Chapel

July 26, 2012

1928 postage stamp depicting Washington at prayer. Much of America’s Christian heritage has been forgotten. (Public domain)

This weekend Wesley Chapel Methodist Church of Villa Rica will begin a series of videos showcasing America’s Christian heritage. The “American Heritage” video series is produced by historian David Barton and covers the Christian foundations of many American institutions, the religious faith of the founders, and the current movement toward secularization of U.S. history.

David Barton is the founder and president of Wallbuilders, an organization dedicated to preserving and presenting American history “with an emphasis on the moral, religious, and constitutional foundation on which America was built.” Barton has won many awards and honors including a listing in Who’s Who in Education, the DAR’s Medal of Honor, and the George Washington Honor Medal from the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, as well as several Angel Awards, Telly Awards, and the Dove


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A world without America

November 9, 2010

What would Clarence the Angel say to a president? (public domain)

The President awoke with a start. His head swam for a moment as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and tried to remember where he was. He was in his bedroom in the White House, of course, but what had awakened him? As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw a dim figure standing beside his bed.

Not recognizing the man, he tensed. “Who are you? Who let you in here?” he demanded. Where was the Secret Service when you needed them?

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American soldiers have given their lives to save the free world three times in the last one hundred years. They are currently saving the world from radical Islam.

Part 2:

A US Navy helicopter delivers relief supplies to Haitians in 2008. (public domain)

Part 3: