Posts Tagged ‘birther bill’

Obama’s birth certificate released, but may not satisfy birthers

April 28, 2011

As one of the first acts of his reelection campaign, President Obama recently released his long form birth certificate. The controversy had followed Obama for at least three years and had continued in spite of the fact that he had released a copy of his short form birth certificate during the 2008 campaign.

As discussed in an Examiner article from December 2009, Hawaiian government officials vouched for the authenticity of the first birth certificate released and it was sufficient to get an Illinois driver’s license, marriage certificate, to register as an attorney, and to serve as an Illinois legislator and US Senator. A Kenyan birth certificate that surfaced in 2009 was revealed to be a fraud. A conversation in which Obama’s Kenyan grandmother reportedly claimed to be present at his birth in Kenya was revealed to be taken wildly out of context. The birth announcements from Honolulu newspapers for baby Barack have long been available online.

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