Posts Tagged ‘civil unions’

Nine myths about same-sex marriage

June 2, 2012


Same-sex marriage is once again in the news. Three weeks ago, North Carolina voters overwhelmingly approved a constitutional amendment that defined marriage as between a man and a woman. The next day, President Obama reversed his support for traditional marriage and returned to a previously stated position that same-sex couples should be granted the right to marry. Now a decision by a federal appeals court in Boston has thrust the issue into the headlines once again.

The ruling by the First Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals found Section Three of the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage in federal law as between a man and a woman, to be unconstitutional. The Court did not address Section Two, which stipulates that states do not have to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states. The Court stayed its own ruling pending appeal which will almost certainly reach the Supreme Court.

There are many myths and much misinformation surrounding the same-sex marriage issue:

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Meet the candidates: Jon Huntsman

August 21, 2011


Jon Huntsman (Public Domain)

Jon Huntsman was born in California, but grew up in Utah.  His father is the founder of Huntsman Corp., a global chemical company.


Huntsman dropped out of high school in his senior year in order to pursue a music career as keyboard player for his band, “Wizards.”  His website notes that with “priorities adjusted,” he earned a G.E.D. and entered the University of Utah the next fall.  After taking two years to serve as a Mormon missionary to Taiwan, Huntsman returned to enroll at the University of Pennsylvania where he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in International Politics.


His political career began almost immediately….


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Support for same-sex marriage may be overstated

July 11, 2011

(Wing/Wikimedia Commons)

Over the past year, defenders of traditional marriage have suffered a series of setbacks.  In August 2010, a federal judge struck down California’s definition of marriage amendment as had happened in a handful of other states.  Just before Christmas, Congress voted to repeal the “Don’t Ask-Don’t Tell” policy and allow gays to serve openly in the military.  In February 2011, Attorney General Holder announced that the Obama Administration would not defend the federal Defense of Marriage Act against challenges in federal court.  King and Spalding, the Atlanta law firm selected by Congress to defend the law, withdrew from the case in April under pressure from gay rights activist groups.


The trend led Jim Daly, the head of Focus on the Family, to tell “World Magazine” in early June that “We’re losing on that one [gay marriage], especially among the 20- and 30-somethings….”  Daly went on to say, “We’ve probably lost that. I don’t want to be extremist here, but I think we need to start calculating where we are in the culture.”

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