Posts Tagged ‘corporations’

Bank of America retreat show limit of corporate power

November 4, 2011


When Bank of America retreated from its plan to charge a $5 fee to its account holders who use debit cards, it was a victory for consumers.  Bank of America’s announcement of the fee a month ago sparked widespread anger and was a factor in the birth of the Occupier movement.

Many on the left are suspicious and angry at corporations.  A common theme among progressives is that the government is more responsive to the people because government officials are elected by and are responsible to the people.  On the other hand, this view holds that corporations are responsible only to their officers and shareholders, people whom consumers have no voice in choosing.  The Bank of America saga gives lie to this idea.

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Evil corporations

June 15, 2011

(Thomas Sienicki)

I have heard a lot of my liberal friends talk and post articles about how corporations are evil. The large, multinational corporation has taken on the role of generic bad guy in countless movies from “Robocop” to “Wall Street.” A memorable “Saturday Night Live” satirical commercial touted the Atlantic Puppy Grinding Company (slogan: Sure, it’s evil, but think of the jobs). In real life, liberals have deemed corporations from Big Oil to health insurance companies to be evil.

My opinion has always been that corporations are like tools and other inanimate objects: They are not capable of being either good or evil. They only reflect the intentions and actions of the people that control them.

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Part2 Evil Corporations

A world without America

November 9, 2010

What would Clarence the Angel say to a president? (public domain)

The President awoke with a start. His head swam for a moment as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and tried to remember where he was. He was in his bedroom in the White House, of course, but what had awakened him? As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw a dim figure standing beside his bed.

Not recognizing the man, he tensed. “Who are you? Who let you in here?” he demanded. Where was the Secret Service when you needed them?

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American soldiers have given their lives to save the free world three times in the last one hundred years. They are currently saving the world from radical Islam.

Part 2:

A US Navy helicopter delivers relief supplies to Haitians in 2008. (public domain)

Part 3: