Posts Tagged ‘divorce’

Elliot Rodger was similar to other spree killers

June 2, 2014

By now, most are familiar with the story of Elliot Rodger, the Santa Barbara mass murderer who killed six people last weekend before turning his gun on himself. Rodger’s loneliness, angst and longing for meaningless sex are now well known. What may be less well known is that Rodger shared many characteristics with a number of other recent spree killers.


As Examiner reported last year, a number of features are common in the random mass killings that seem prevalent in recent years. First, almost all of the mass killers are known to be habitual players of violent video games. Second, the killer often comes from a broken family. Finally, in most cases, the killer can be reasonably determined to have undiagnosed or untreated mental illness.  Elliot Rodger fits into all three categories.


Read the full story on Atlanta Conservative Examiner

June 24, 2011


Newt Gingrich (Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia)

Newt Gingrich is a transplanted Georgian who was born and grew up in Pennsylvania.  Born in 1943, his birth name was Newton Leroy McPherson.  His mother and father divorced after a marriage of only a few days.  Newt’s mother remarried to a career army officer, Robert Gingrich, in 1946.  Gingrich adopted Newt and the couple had three daughters.


The family moved frequently as the senior Gingrich received new assignments.  Newt graduated from high school in Columbus, Ga. in 1961.  He graduated from Emory University with a B.A. in history in 1965.  He earned a Master’s and Ph.D. in modern European history from Tulane, graduating in 1971.  After earning his doctorate, Gingrich returned to Georgia, where he taught at West Georgia College in Carrollton from 1970 to 1978.

Continue reading on Meet the candidates: Newt Gingrich – Atlanta Elections 2012 |
Part 2:  “Gingrich closet holds several skeletons

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Huckabee comments on Portman pregnancy stir criticism

March 4, 2011

Natalie Portman (Josh Jensen/Wikimedia Commons)

Many Atlantans probably heard Mike Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas, when he appeared on the Michael Medved Show on February 28. Huckabee and Medved discussed the Oscars and Natalie Portman’s pregnancy. Both men agreed that the out-of-wedlock pregnancy of Portman, as well as other high profile stars, sent a “problematic message.” Huckabee went on to say, “Most single moms are very poor, uneducated, can’t get a job, and if it weren’t for government assistance, their kids would be starving to death and never have health care. And that’s the story that we’re not seeing.” This week Huckabee, who won Georgia’s 2008 Republican presidential primary, has been taking heat for his comments.

Continue reading on Huckabee comments on Portman pregnancy stir criticism – Atlanta Conservative |

Part 2: “Marriage can be antidote to poverty

Leading to the Bedroom: The Christian Couple’s Guide to Soul Sex

January 30, 2011

Courtesy of David Reid

People of my generation will remember George Michael’s exhortation that “Sex is natural, sex is good; not everybody does it, but everybody should.” Michael had it partly right. Sex is natural and good, but it isn’t meant for everybody. Specifically, it is meant for married couples. When practiced within marriage, sex strengthens the relationship between husband and wife. However, other forms of sex can be psychologically and emotionally damaging, not to mention destructive to families. This is part of the message of Leading to the Bedroom by West Georgia pastor and Georgia Tech graduate, David Reid.

This book is important because the divorce rate in Georgia is one of the highest in the country. At the same time, the national marriage rate has been declining for decades. As more and more children are raised in fractured or single-parent families, society suffers. Being a single parent is one of the most certain ways to end up in poverty in this country. Even if the family is financially stable, divorce causes a multitude of psychological and physical problems for children. The physical, emotional and financial toll of broken marriages is a major strain on American society.

To read the rest of this article, please visit: