Posts Tagged ‘energy’

Listen live as solar airplane crosses US

June 3, 2013

The Solar Impulse, a solar powered airplane that Swiss pilots Bertrand Piccard and Andre’ Borschberg hope to fly around the world without using fuel, is crossing the United States.  The airplane is flying today from Dallas to St. Louis using only the energy of the sun for propulsion.  The flight can be watched live on the internet at the  The team plans to land in St. Louis in the early morning hours of June 4.


The plane was disassembled and transported to Moffet field in Mountain View, Calif. earlier this year.  From California, the Solar Impulse began its journey across America on May 4.  The first leg consisted of a flight from Moffet field to Phoenix Sky Harbor airport in Arizona, a distance of approximately 550 nautical miles.  The Solar Impulse made the trip in 18 hours and 18 minutes for an average speed of about 40 miles per hour.  The average altitude was 10,000 feet, but the plane flew as high as 21,000 feet on its trip to Phoenix.  The 18 hour 21 minute leg from Phoenix to Dallas took place on May 22.

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2012 voter guide: Rick Perry

January 17, 2012

Campaign Website:

Supporting PAC:

Ga. Website:  Georgians for Rick Perry on Facebook

Rick Perry is the governor of Texas.  Read a full biography of Rick Perry by the Atlanta Conservative Examiner here.

Taxes:   Perry favors an optional 20 percent flat tax that can be filled out on a postcard.  He would eliminate the capital gains and death taxes, as well as the tax on Social Security benefits.  He would reduce the corporate tax rate to 20 percent and tax repatriated profits at a reduced rate.

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2012 voter guide: Rick Santorum

January 15, 2012

(Kyle Cassidy/Wikimedia)

Rick Santorum recently gained notoriety as the second place winner of the Iowa caucuses. Santorum is a lawyer and former U.S. Senator representing Pennsylvania. Read a full biography of Santorum by the Atlanta Elections Examiner here.

Campaign website:

Supporting PAC: Red, White and Blue Fund (

Ga. website:

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2012 voter guide: Newt Gingrich

January 15, 2012

(Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia)

Campaign website:

Supporting PAC:

Ga. website:

Biography:  Gingrich is a former Speaker of the House of Representatives from Georgia.  Read his full biography by the Atlanta Conservative Examiner here.

Taxes: Newt Gingrich would make the low Bush-era tax rates permanent. He would also create an optional flat tax with a 15 percent rate. This tax would preserve the home mortgage interest and charitable deductions, as well as establishing a $12,000 standard deduction.


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2012 voter guide: Ron Paul

January 12, 2012

Ron Paul is a Republican representative from Texas in his third presidential run. He is a medical doctor who has a private practice as an obstetrician. Read a full biography of Ron Paul by the Atlanta Elections Examiner here.

Campaign website:

Supporting PAC:


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Obama’s green war on jobs and energy

January 6, 2012

Oil well in Sherman, Tx. (David W. Thornton)

In spite of acknowledging the need to wean the United States off of Middle Eastern oil, the Obama Administration, prompted by core supporters in the environmental lobby, is waging a job-killing war against two projects that would help the economy, produce jobs for Americans, and, perhaps most importantly, reduce our dependence on oil imported from unfriendly foreign countries.


The first issue is the EPA’s proposed regulation of fracking.  “Fracking” is a slang term for hydraulic fracturing, the process of injecting fluids, primarily water, into rocks to create larger fissures.  The larger fissures allow more oil or natural gas to flow into the well.  The process makes it possible to tap into previously unreachable oil and natural gas reserves.  The debate on fracking centers on the Marcellus Shale formation in Pennsylvania and Ohio and the Dakota oil and gas fields.  Fracking has also been used safely in Texas since the 1950s.


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Democrats and light bulbs: a cautionary tale

October 5, 2010

Compact fluorescent bulbs like this one will soon replace traditional bulbs, which were banned by Congress.

or You light up my life… but not with an incandescent bulb!

How many Democrats does it take to screw a light bulb company? Answer: 272, including 44 in the Senate and 228 in the House of Representatives. They were joined by 36 House and 19 Senate Republicans.

In December 2007, Congress passed the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, which, among other things, banned most incandescent light bulbs beginning in 2012. The act also contained a renewable fuel standard (RFS) which mandated increased ethanol production and led to food shortages in 2008, as well as several other mandates.

A prime motivation behind the light bulb ban was fears of global warming. The law passed prior to the East Anglia climate email controversy in 2009, in which pilfered emails purported to show that climate scientists collaborated to cover up inconsistent climate data and stifle dissent, so global warming skeptics were relatively powerless. It was also passed prior to the economic crash of 2008, when it seemed that the economy would remain strong regardless of government meddling.

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