Posts Tagged ‘entitlement’

To save America, take your family to church

September 7, 2014
Bill Fitzpatrick/Wikimedia

Bill Fitzpatrick/Wikimedia

Recent polls now show that almost three quarters of Americans believe the nation is on the wrong track. The reality is that regardless of whether Republicans win control of the Senate this year and the presidency in 2016, it will be very difficult to solve the problems facing America today. Many of the most serious issues facing the country stem from cultural changes that cannot be solved solely by changes to government policies. Americans who are serious about changing the direction of the country should begin by taking their families to church. To save America, it will take a moral revolution that can only come from God, not government.

Even though some polls show that church attendance is still strong in the US, reports that counts by denominations and local churches show that church attendance is down and still declining. Although about 40 percent of the population reports that they attend church, the real number is probably less than 20 percent and not keeping pace with population growth.


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Conservatives, Christians, and the poor

February 17, 2014
Homeless encampment in Atlanta (David W. Thornton)

Homeless encampment in Atlanta (David W. Thornton)

When it comes to the poor, conservatives and Republicans have a reputation for being heartless.  While this reputation may not be deserved, it is one that must be addressed if Republicans wish to be given the chance to lead a country where the labor rate has fallen to a forty year low and the poverty rate is at a 50 year high.


Even though not all conservatives are Christians, liberals often cite two Biblical passages in support of government programs to aid the poor.  In Matthew 25:45, God admonishes religious people who are about to be cast into “eternal punishment” that “whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.”  Another common citation is the story of the rich young ruler found in Matthew, Mark, and Luke.  In the story, Jesus told the man to “sell all that you have and give to the poor.”

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Unemployment extension may hurt long-term unemployed

January 9, 2014
Melanie Rezulli/Flickr

Melanie Rezulli/Flickr

Democrats and Republicans are currently locked in a battle over how to pay for a reauthorization of the extension for long term unemployment benefits.  For the most part, the debate is only over how the extension of unemployment benefits should be paid.  As PBS reported, most Republicans don’t oppose the unemployment extension, but favor offsetting the increased spending with cuts in other budget areas.  Little, if any, attention has been given to whether the unemployment benefits should be extended at all however.  The Senate passed its version of the plan on January 7, but the bill faces an uncertain future in the House.  Politically the extension is popular, but many economists are not sold on the benefits of the extension.


According to the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, unemployment insurance typically lasts for 26 weeks.  The Emergency Unemployment Compensation program extended benefits for an additional 14 to 47 weeks.  The number of additional weeks varied by state and was based on state unemployment rates.


In December 2013, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman attacked the idea that extending unemployment payments may be harmful to the unemployed.  Krugman claims that much of the research on the effects of unemployment insurance is decades old and that ending unemployment insurance would not create more jobs.  In Krugman’s view, the economy is limited by demand, not supply,and slashing unemployment benefits — which would have the side effect of reducing incomes and hence consumer spending — would just make the situation worse.”


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Answering the religious left

July 9, 2012

(David MacDonald/Wikimedia)

The religious left, while still small, has grown somewhat over the last decade. While often perceived as hostile to religion, particularly Christianity, Democrats are somewhat tolerant of religious leftists. As an example, black voters are both heavily religious and heavily Democratic.

The signature issues of the religious left are war, the environment, and poverty. As the American involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq winds down and concerns about global warming abate, the major point of contention between the religious right and left concerns how to address poverty.

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Happy Government Dependence Day

July 4, 2012


This is the most dismal Independence Day in memory.


I’m sure that there have been more dreary Fourths of July in our nation’s history.  The first few were under British rule and it seemed that the young nation might not survive to celebrate the anniversary of its birth in peace.  In 1826, two American heroes, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died on July 4.  In 1863, although most Americans did not know it yet, almost 8,000 Americans had just died in battle at Gettysburg.  In 1942, Pearl Harbor was a recent memory but the American victory at Midway had lessened the sting of the surprise attack.  On several Independence Days it seemed that the country might not be around to celebrate another.


There have been other Independence Days when the celebrations must have felt hollow.  Rarely has that been due to the actions of our own government, however.


This year the celebrations come less than a week after the Supreme Court upheld the largest expansion of federal power since the New Deal.  The federal government exercised unprecedented control over every American citizen and almost 20 percent of the U.S. economy.  The founders, proponents of weak and limited central government, are undoubtedly spinning in their graves.

The passage of the health care law was a betrayal on many levels.  Most obviously, the Democrats who voted for the bill betrayed their constituents.  A strong majority opposed the bill when it was passed.  Rather than persuading people to support their legislation, the Democrats, led by an elitist minority, rammed the bill through Congress using the parliamentary trick of budget reconciliation to avoid a Republican filibuster.  They betrayed their oath of office by passing a law that was clearly unconstitutional (Chief Justice Roberts’ opinion notwithstanding).


The Democrats also betrayed the ideals of the founders of the United States.  The founder of their own party, Thomas Jefferson said, “A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circlue of our felicities.”


Jefferson would have been appalled at Obamacare, which is the antithesis of his goals for America.  Our government, $17 trillion in debt, cannot be called frugal.  It is increasingly involved in even the most trivial aspects of our lives.  It takes bread from the mouths of labor to give to those who do not work.  By Jefferson’s definition, our government is not good.


Jefferson, who authored the Virginia Act for Establishing Religious Freedom would oppose the government forcing religious groups and believers to purchase contraceptive and abortifacient drugs.  He would likely oppose abortion, having penned the phrase “right to life” in the Declaration of Independence.  He would also oppose the attempts to silence those oppose abortion and same-sex marriage.  “No man,” Jefferson wrote,  shall “suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of religion, and that the same shall in nowise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.”


As the author of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson would rebuke the authoritarian tendencies of our current president, a man who is only too willing to circumvent the will of the people and their elected representatives in Congress by legislating with federal agencies and Executive Orders.  The Revolutionary War was fought to rid Americans of a king.  Jefferson would not want a president who acts like one.


Jefferson, who warned that “the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered,” would be angry at the collusion between government and business that birthed Obamacare.  Democrats in Congress attacked insurance and pharmaceutical companies as profiteers in the media, but secretly worked with them to craft and pass the bill.  The loser in this “crony capitalism” is the American people.


The courts, whose judges swear to “faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me under the Constitution” “without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich,” ignored critical aspects of the Constitution, U.S. law, and American history.  Justice Roberts rewrote the ACA and changed the mandate from a penalty to a tax.  Thomas Jefferson would say, “Taxation without representation is tyranny!”


Much has been written about the failings of Obamacare, how it will result in a lower quality of health care in the United States, higher prices, and, ultimately, shortages and rationing.  Economically, all of these outcomes are extremely likely.


Perhaps more importantly, however, Obamacare might be the undoing of the entire country.  For a nation with $17 trillion in debt and a debt-to-GDP ratio that is greater than 100 percent, the last thing that is needed is another multi-trillion dollar entitlement, complete with tax increases, that will suck money out of the private sector and further slow growth.  Even worse, the mounting debt load brings the nation even closer to a complete financial collapse.


As the Democrats systematically destroy the aspects of this country that made it great, the current economic morass is increasingly likely to indeed be the “new normal.”  Emulating Europe’s welfare state means that the U.S. will also have Europe’s chronically high unemployment, lower income and wages, higher poverty, slower growth, and higher taxes.


By financing entitlements with debt to be repaid in the future, we are mortgaging our children’s lives and making them slaves to the countries and corporations that buy our debt.  We are selling their future just as surely as if we blew their inheritance in the casinos of Las Vegas.  In the end there will be nothing left:  No money and nothing to show for it.  We are impoverishing ourselves.  As Rep. Paul Ryan said, “This is the most predictable crisis we have ever had.”


The Democrats have no solution to the crisis.  Their only answer is to spend more and hope the economy recovers.  Most do not even acknowledge the problem.

Lest anyone accuse me of favoritism, the Republicans have contributed to the problem as well.  The Republican spending spree under George W. Bush was exceeded only by that of Barack Obama and Franklin Roosevelt.  Republicans expanded government through the Medicare prescription drug entitlement (which at least did consider market realities) and the No Child Left Behind Act.  On the plus side, the Republicans may have learned their lesson.


The Republicans are our last hope in government.  We have already been failed by one political party that is now ideologically closer to Marx and Engels than Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton, and Madison.  We have been failed by the president and failed by Congress.  We have been failed by the courts, all the way up to the Supreme Court.  Some Catholics already see the need for civil disobedience in resisting Obamacare’s anti-religious mandates.  If Republicans are elected and fail to change the direction of the country, civil disobedience will be our only recourse.


As Abraham Lincoln said, “We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of earth.”  America isn’t dead, but she is critically ill.  It is up to the people to save her.


This Independence Day, let us vow that it will be our last Government Dependence Day.

Rick Santorum: Not just for social conservatives

February 8, 2012

(Kyle Cassidy/Wikimedia)

Since his surprise victory in the Iowa caucuses, Rick Santorum has been derided a candidate for the social conservatives.  Prominent conservative talk show hosts, such as Atlanta’s Neal Boortz, have declared that social conservatives risk re-electing Obama if they vote for Santorum, assuming that a vote for the former senator is rooted only in a desire to overturn Roe v. Wade and prevent the legalization of same-sex marriage.

In contrast, Santorum seems to be quietly building support among Republicans in states that have yet to vote.  His strong performance in recent debates and his status as the only Republican candidate to avoid going negative against his opponents may be what inspires voters to take a closer look at Santorum, but his conservative principles and detailed policy proposals provide a pleasant surprise.  His blue collar background and the revelation in one debate that he did his own taxes make Santorum seem sensible and approachable in a way that Romney and Gingrich are not.

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The Bible and taxes

September 15, 2011

(Providence Lithograph Co. 1897)

In recent years, a recurring theme among progressives and liberals is that Christians have a duty to pay taxes and not resist tax increases because of Jesus’ instruction in Matthew 22:21 to “render therefore unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s” when asked by the Pharisees if Jews should pay tribute or taxes to the Roman government.  According to this line of reasoning, modern Americans should happily pay ever-increasing taxes because Jesus said that the Roman coins belonged to Caesar.


Progressives also point out that Jesus, on numerous occasions instructed his followers to help the poor.  His instruction to the rich, young ruler in Matthew 19:21 was to sell everything he had and give it to the poor.  In Luke 6:20, he said that the poor were blessed and would inherit the kingdom of God.  In Matthew 25:40, Jesus equates helping the poor with aiding Jesus himself.  In one famous passage, Jesus says that “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God” (Matthew 19:24).


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