Posts Tagged ‘fascist’

What do Kermit Gosnell and Hitler have in common? More than you think…

May 16, 2013
What do Hitler, Margaret Sanger and Kermit Gosnell have in common? Bundesarchiv, Bild 102-13774 / Heinrich Hoffmann / CC-BY-SA

What do Hitler, Margaret Sanger and Kermit Gosnell have in common?
Bundesarchiv, Bild 102-13774 / Heinrich Hoffmann / CC-BY-SA

Kermit Gosnell was recently found guilty of a laundry list of crimes including three counts of first degree murder for the killings of several babies that were born alive at his abortion clinic. Gosnell was accused of cutting the necks of the babies in violation of Pennsylvania law and basic human decency.

Gosnell has received virtually no support or sympathy from the pro-choice crowd. The head of NARAL Pro-Choice America said that Gosnell will “get what he deserves” in astatement. Before his arrest, her view of Gosnell would likely have been different. Many abortion clinics in surrounding states referred late term patients to Gosnell for abortions because it was common knowledge in the abortion industry that he was an abortionist who had little regard for state laws limiting abortion to 24 weeks according to the grand jury report.

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