Posts Tagged ‘freedom of speech’

Leftist con men hijack conservative Facebook pages

January 14, 2014
Citizens' Post after the attack by the Goatz

Citizens’ Post after the attack by the Goatz

In the early morning hours of January 11, a group of leftist con men launched a sneak attack on an undetermined number of conservative Facebook pages.  The perpetrators, calling themselves the “Goatz Alliance,” gained access to the conservative pages, deleted the page administrators, and began posting anti-conservative propaganda and memes depicting goats.


Jason Doolin, owner of the conservative Citizens’ Post page on Facebook, said that Patrick Blair,  allegedly a representative of The Freedom Alliance contacted him several months ago about helping him to expand his page.  Blair gained his trust over a period of months.  There is a real Freedom Alliance as well, a Virginia based charity organized as 501(c)(3) organization that educates young Americans in civic responsibility and provides scholarships to the children of American soldiers.


Blair apparently operated several fake conservative Facebook pages and websites as a cover.  In some cases, he seems to have even recruited conservative activists to administer and work on these pages, only to delete their work and revert the pages to goats later.  Blair used the fake conservative pages to make conservative friends and seem more credible to his targets.


Read the rest on Atlanta Conservative Examiner

Relax! Obama won’t be impeached.

May 24, 2013

obamaThe “perfect storm” of political scandals that has embroiled the Obama Administration over the past few weeks has some conservatives and Republicans speculating that President Obama might be impeached or be forced to resign in disgrace.  While there are plenty of serious accusations of misconduct in the White House and federal government, the scandals are all still in their infancy and President Obama’s precise role is not known.  It is all but certain, however, that the president will not be impeached.


The first scandal, the cover-up after the September 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, is the most advanced.  The White House released emails earlier this month that showed that references to al Qaeda had been scrubbed from the administration’s talking points about the attack according to ABC News.  ABC reported as early as Oct. 9, 2012 that the street protests were non-existent.  More than two weeks after the attack, President Obama was still blaming a “crude and disgusting video” that allegedly “sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world” in a speech to the United Nations.  President Obama’s only mention of al Qaeda in the speech was to call it “weakened” in reference to Osama bin Laden’s death.  There is still no satisfactory explanation as to why there was no rescue attempt.


The second scandal involves abuse of power by Internal Revenue Service.

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Reasons to NOT vote for Barack Obama

October 24, 2012


Early voting has already started in many states for this year’s elections. In the rest, Election Day is now only two weeks away. The number of undecided voters is dwindling as most have already decided on which presidential candidate to vote for. This column is directed toward these undecided voters as well those who lean toward President Obama.

The most obvious reason not to vote for President Obama’s reelection is the economy. Even though the economy has officially been recovering for the recession for more than three years, most Americans still do not feel the recovery. Unemployment remains high. The poverty level is higher than it was when President Obama took office. Despite an increase in the U.S. population, fewer Americans are working today than when President Obama was inaugurated. In August, twice as many Americans went on food stamps as found jobs according to Forbes.

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Nationwide rally for religious freedom tomorrow

March 22, 2012

Atlantans will rally for religious freedom at the Georgia state capitol building tomorrow.  The rally is one of more than 140 events around the country to protest the Obama Administration’s mandate on religious organizations.  The mandate by the Department of Health and Human Services will force religious organizations to purchase contraceptive and abortifacient coverage regardless of their religious beliefs.  The mandate is widely believed to be a violation of the First Amendment and Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The rally is being coordinated by the Pro-Life Action League and Citizens for a Pro-Life Society according the national website,  The Atlanta rally is being promoted by the Georgia Catholic Conference.

Continue reading on Atlantans to rally for religious freedom on Friday – Atlanta Conservative |

First Amendment protects Westboro anti-gay protests

March 7, 2011

2010 Westboro protest in Virginia (Wikimedia/JC Wilmore)

In a ruling that upset as many people on the left as the right, the Supreme Court ruled last week that Westboro Baptist Church, a radically anti-gay Kansas congregation, is protected by the First Amendment when it protests at the funerals of soldiers killed in the War on Terror. The tiny church has picketed over 600 military funerals and is known for carrying signs with slogans such as “God hates fags” and “thank God for dead soldiers.”

Westboro Baptist is a tiny church located in Topeka, Kan. It is headed by Fred Phelps and the congregation is made up almost exclusively of his family. Phelps, a disbarred lawyer, has 13 children, 11 of which are lawyers. Interestingly, Phelps is a longtime Democrat. He was a Kansas Democratic organizer for years and was invited to and attended both of Bill Clinton’s inaugurations (although he protested at the second one). He has been protesting against gays for twenty years.

Continue reading on First Amendment protects Westboro anti-gay protests – Atlanta Conservative |

Apple calls Christian app “offensive”

January 7, 2011

An Apple store in Chicago. Are Christian apps no longer welcome? (Dweider)

When Georgia voters overwhelmingly decided that marriage should be between one man and one woman, it was not because they wanted to insult or incite violence against gays and lesbians. On the contrary, it was because most Georgians – along with a majority of Americans whenever they have had an opportunity to vote – support a traditional view of marriage. Protecting traditional marriage is also one of the goals of the Manhattan Declaration.

An affirmation of “the sanctity of life, traditional marriage, and religious liberty” is the purpose of the Manhattan Declaration. The declaration was signed in 2009 by more than 150 religious leaders of various denominations and then posted online as a petition for likeminded citizens. The declaration was drafted by evangelist and former Nixon aide Chuck Colson, Princeton law professor Robert P. George, and Beeson Divinity School dean Timothy George.

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Does Obamacare establish a secret police force?

December 7, 2010

Lt. Gen. William Boykin

I recently received in my email a video of Lt. Gen. (Ret.) W. G. Boykin entitled “Marxism in America.” I recognized Gen. Boykin’s name, but could not immediately place him. As the video went viral, many other Georgians likely received it as well and wondered whether Boykin’s claims were true.

It took only a brief search to find that Gen. Boykin has a distinguished record as an army officer. Boykin’s career began in 1971 as an infantry lieutenant in Vietnam. He joined the elite Delta Force in 1978 and served within the unit 1993. He was the Delta operations officer for the 1980 attempt to rescue the hostages being held in Iran as well as the 1983 invasion of Grenada. He also took part in 1989 invasion of Panama and the hunt for drug lord Pablo Escobar in Colombia. In 1993, he advised the government during the Waco standoff with David Koresh before taking command of the Delta contingent in Somalia that was tracking Mohammed Farrah Aidid. He was wounded in a mortar attack after the Battle of Mogadishu (the battle depicted in Blackhawk Down). Afterward, he held a number of desk jobs until his retirement in 2007. These included Deputy Director of Special Activities at the CIA and Commanding General of the US Army Special Forces Command, where he helped plan the Special Forces strategy for the War on Terror.

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Part 1:

Part 2:

Liberals are inconsistent on abortion

December 6, 2010

Life-size model of an eight-week-old unborn baby (Bill Davenport)

Even though abortion took a back seat to economic issues in this year’s midterm elections, it remains an important and divisive topic. The issue of abortion played a central role in the legislative fight over Obamacare and recently returned to the public eye when a Minnesota couple unveiled an internet poll to decide whether to abort their baby or not. (Incidentally, the couple said that the poll’s results were 77% in favor of abortion. When repetitive and fraudulent votes were discarded, the result shifted to 73% in favor of sparing the baby’s life.)

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Part 1:

Part 2: