Posts Tagged ‘george bush’

Race, slavery and the Bible

January 16, 2011

Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Georgia was at the center of America’s racial struggle, for good and bad. From its colonial days, Georgia was a slave-owning colony and then state. It stood in the heart of the Confederacy and, even after the abolition of slavery blacks were treated as less than equal. A few miles from where I grew up and less than ten years before I was born, Lt. Col. Lemuel Penn, a black US Army veteran of WWII, was murdered by Klansmen in 1964. Martin Luther King, Jr., an Atlanta native and pastor of Atlanta’s Ebenezer Baptist Church, became the face of the civil rights movement. King represented a full circle between past attempts to use the Bible to justify racial discrimination. King, and other Christians like him, was instrumental in banning slavery and segregation in the US.

Over the years, religion has been used to justify slavery and segregation as well as racial reconciliation. Pastors and congregations have used Bible verses to support arguments on both sides of the racial and political spectrums. What does the Bible really tell us?

Continue reading on Race, slavery and the Bible – Atlanta Conservative |

Part 2: Abolition and civil rights

Part 3: Where do we go from here?

I believe in the Kingdom Come, when all the colors will bleed into one. - U2

Photo credit: Louisa Stokes

(This article originally published Feb. 24, 2010. It has been one of my most popular posts. Thanks to all who viewed it!)

Obama derangement syndrome

January 3, 2011

The Bushes and Obamas in 2008.

Back in the days of George W. Bush’s presidency, Charles Krauthammer discovered a new mental illness: Bush Derangement Syndrome. Krauthammer defined the disease as “the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency — nay — the very existence of George W. Bush.” It was characterized by the willingness to believe any outlandish theory or conspiracy about President Bush and the act of picking apart the president’s every utterance and action to find something to criticize or disagree with. If President Bush had said the sky was up, his critics would have found reason to believe otherwise.

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