Posts Tagged ‘Giffords’

Armed citizen help stop Tucson shooter

January 10, 2011

Legal weapons reduce crime. (Clinton & Charles Robertson)

The Tucson shooting will doubtless prompt calls for new gun control measures in Georgia and across the country. Arizona, like Georgia, offers citizens the rights to own and carry weapons legally. Georgia requires a firearms license, but a new law in Arizona allows residents who are over 21 years old to carry weapons without a permit.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Joseph Zamudio was legally carrying a 9mm semiautomatic pistol at a Walgreen’s near the Safeway store where the shooting occurred. Mr. Zamudio heard the shots and ran toward them. “In that moment, I didn’t think about it. I just reacted,” he said.

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Was the Tucson shooting a product of the Tea Parties?

January 10, 2011

The scene of the shooting in Tucson. Was Tea Party rhetoric responsible?

Georgians join the people of Arizona in condemning the senseless act of violence and mourning the victims of the recent Tucson shooting. Georgians also wonder what Jared Lee Loughner’s motive was. Was he trying to make a political point or was he simply deranged?

In the days since the shooting in Tucson, leftists have rushed to denounce the murders as the result of radical right-wing rhetoric. Specifically, left-wing bloggers on cited a “veteran Democratic operative” who called for the administration to “deftly pin this on the tea partiers” before the facts were in. Similar clams were made after the attack on the IRS building in Texas and the Times Square car bombing.

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Photo credit: SearchNet Media