Posts Tagged ‘hate’

Leftist con men hijack conservative Facebook pages

January 14, 2014
Citizens' Post after the attack by the Goatz

Citizens’ Post after the attack by the Goatz

In the early morning hours of January 11, a group of leftist con men launched a sneak attack on an undetermined number of conservative Facebook pages.  The perpetrators, calling themselves the “Goatz Alliance,” gained access to the conservative pages, deleted the page administrators, and began posting anti-conservative propaganda and memes depicting goats.


Jason Doolin, owner of the conservative Citizens’ Post page on Facebook, said that Patrick Blair,  allegedly a representative of The Freedom Alliance contacted him several months ago about helping him to expand his page.  Blair gained his trust over a period of months.  There is a real Freedom Alliance as well, a Virginia based charity organized as 501(c)(3) organization that educates young Americans in civic responsibility and provides scholarships to the children of American soldiers.


Blair apparently operated several fake conservative Facebook pages and websites as a cover.  In some cases, he seems to have even recruited conservative activists to administer and work on these pages, only to delete their work and revert the pages to goats later.  Blair used the fake conservative pages to make conservative friends and seem more credible to his targets.


Read the rest on Atlanta Conservative Examiner