Posts Tagged ‘impeach’

Five things Republicans should just stop talking about already

February 1, 2014
Ted Cruz (Gage Skidmore)

Ted Cruz (Gage Skidmore)

The Republican Party is doing well in recent polling.  The Obamacare implosion has left the party in position to make significant gains in this year’s midterm elections.  The nonpartisan Rothenberg Political Report shows the Republicans to be competitive in at least seven Senate seats held by Democrats.  Only six seats are needed for the Republicans to win control of the Senate.


The recent Republican success is not purely by strategy.  It can be said to be as much or more in spite of the actions of Republicans than because of them.  For example, the most memorable strategic move by the Republican Party in the past year was the drive to defund the Affordable Care Act.  The strategy resulted in a shutdown of the federal government that caused Republican approval ratings to plummet to levels normally inhabited by used car dealers and lawyers that advertise on daytime television.  The shutdown likely sealed the fate of Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli.


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Relax! Obama won’t be impeached.

May 24, 2013

obamaThe “perfect storm” of political scandals that has embroiled the Obama Administration over the past few weeks has some conservatives and Republicans speculating that President Obama might be impeached or be forced to resign in disgrace.  While there are plenty of serious accusations of misconduct in the White House and federal government, the scandals are all still in their infancy and President Obama’s precise role is not known.  It is all but certain, however, that the president will not be impeached.


The first scandal, the cover-up after the September 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, is the most advanced.  The White House released emails earlier this month that showed that references to al Qaeda had been scrubbed from the administration’s talking points about the attack according to ABC News.  ABC reported as early as Oct. 9, 2012 that the street protests were non-existent.  More than two weeks after the attack, President Obama was still blaming a “crude and disgusting video” that allegedly “sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world” in a speech to the United Nations.  President Obama’s only mention of al Qaeda in the speech was to call it “weakened” in reference to Osama bin Laden’s death.  There is still no satisfactory explanation as to why there was no rescue attempt.


The second scandal involves abuse of power by Internal Revenue Service.

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What to expect from Ga. birther hearing

January 16, 2012

(Elizabeth Cromwell/Wikimedia)

Earlier this month, a Georgia judge set the stage for a confrontation between President Obama and attorneys representing the birther movement. In the case, David Weldon, a Georgia citizen, had filed a complaint questioning the legality of Obama’s placement on the ballot due to their belief that he is allegedly not a “natural born citizen.” A Georgia judge refused a request by Obama’s lawyers to dismiss the case and set January 26 as the date for a hearing.

As illustrated by the comments on a recent article, many birthers believe that this case will result in the dismissal of President Obama and the rescission of all the legislation and executive orders of the past three years. They should disabuse themselves of such foolish notions.


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