Posts Tagged ‘Kermit Gosnell’

God save America

July 3, 2013 (labeled for commercial reuse) (labeled for commercial reuse)

This Fourth of July it might be time to amend the traditional patriotic song and sentiment of “God bless America.”  In recent years, America has become so divorced from godly values that it now seems mocking and irreverent to seek his blessing.  It might be more appropriate to prostrate ourselves and seek his forgiveness.


The most recent rejection of God is the wave of gay marriage laws sweeping the nation.  Twenty years ago, gay marriage was unheard of.  Denmark passed a gay partnership law in 1989, but same-sex marriage did not exist legally until 2000 when the Netherlands first passed a gay marriage law.  In what would become a familiar theme, gay marriage was legalized in Canada the next year after two gay couples sued.  In the U.S., Massachusetts became the first state to legalize gay marriage in 2004, again after a lawsuit.  In 2007, Iowa followed suit, again after the state’s marriage law was struck down by courts.  Gay marriage did not pass through the legislative process until 2009 when Vermont’s legislature approved the redefinition of marriage.  At this point, gay marriage is legal in twelve states, but recent Supreme Court decisions indicate that the Court will probably strike down state definition of marriage laws in the near future.


It isn’t just about gay marriage.  As society rots, it threatens our economic foundation.  Read the rest on


What do Kermit Gosnell and Hitler have in common? More than you think…

May 16, 2013
What do Hitler, Margaret Sanger and Kermit Gosnell have in common? Bundesarchiv, Bild 102-13774 / Heinrich Hoffmann / CC-BY-SA

What do Hitler, Margaret Sanger and Kermit Gosnell have in common?
Bundesarchiv, Bild 102-13774 / Heinrich Hoffmann / CC-BY-SA

Kermit Gosnell was recently found guilty of a laundry list of crimes including three counts of first degree murder for the killings of several babies that were born alive at his abortion clinic. Gosnell was accused of cutting the necks of the babies in violation of Pennsylvania law and basic human decency.

Gosnell has received virtually no support or sympathy from the pro-choice crowd. The head of NARAL Pro-Choice America said that Gosnell will “get what he deserves” in astatement. Before his arrest, her view of Gosnell would likely have been different. Many abortion clinics in surrounding states referred late term patients to Gosnell for abortions because it was common knowledge in the abortion industry that he was an abortionist who had little regard for state laws limiting abortion to 24 weeks according to the grand jury report.

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Abortion doc guilty of murder

May 14, 2013

Kermit Gosnell, the Philadelphia abortionist who ran a little shop of horrors that churned out a steady stream of scarred and battered women along with untold numbers of dead babies, has been found guilty.  Gosnell may be the first abortionist ever convicted of killing babies.


Gosnell was convicted on three counts of first degree murder for the killings of three babies born alive at his abortion clinic.  After the babies were born, Gosnell cut their necks with scissors, a practice that was allegedly common in the clinic.  Gosnell was also found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the drug overdose death of Karnamaya Mongar, an adult patient at the clinic.  The jury found Gosnell not guilty in the case of a fourth baby’s murder.


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Abortion doc trial changes minds in spite of media blackout

May 10, 2013

The trial of Kermit Gosnell has put abortion on display in America. This is in spite of mainstream media attempts to ignore the grisly story of Gosnell’s little shop of horrors in Philadelphia. Previously Examiner reported how Gosnell and his employees were responsible for the death of at least one woman at his clinic and caused serious damage to the health of others. While many of Gosnell’s victims were the women who came to him, they were only the tip of the iceberg.

The other victims of Gosnell and his employees were too numerous to count. Gosnell had worked as an abortionist since 1972. The grand jury report on Gosnell makes a conservative estimate that Gosnell did 25 abortions each night for three nights per week. That works out to an estimated 3,900 abortions per year or 148,200 abortions in the 38 years he practiced until his arrest in 2010. The take for Gosnell’s work was an estimated $1.8 million per year… most of it in cash. A search of Gosnell’s house turned up $240,000 in cash hidden in his daughter’s closet along with a gun.


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Kermit Gosnell may change national conversation on abortion

May 5, 2013


The trial of Kermit Gosnell may represent a turning point in the American discussion ofabortion. The story is not merely the heinous crimes committed by Gosnell and his staff; the other half of the story is the left’s almost total lack of outrage. As James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal wrote in his excellent summary of the case, the mainstream media almost totally ignored the entire case and trial until an outpouring of interest on the internet all but forced coverage of the trial onto television and into newspapers.

Bill Clinton made famous the line that abortion should be “safe, legal and rare.” Under modern Democrats, the attempt to make abortion rare, if there ever was a real attempt, has fallen by the wayside. Obamacare’s contraception mandate also forces insurance companies to include coverage for abortifacient drugs and President Obama’s budget increased federal funding for mega-provider of abortion Planned Parenthood. While Gosnell was on trial, President Obama became the first president to speak to Planned Parenthood, telling the group “as long as we’ve got to fight to protect a woman’s right to make her own choices about her own health, I want you to know that you’ve also got a President who’s going to be right there with you fighting every step of the way” and “God bless you” according to Politico.

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