Posts Tagged ‘lie’

How to become a discerning internet user

September 17, 2011

Anyone who has spent any time on the internet knows that there are an abundance of fraudulent claims, hoaxes, and conspiracies.  Cartersville, Ga. was the centerpiece of a 2008 hoax about rigged gas pumps and countless Georgians have received variations of the Nigerian email scam.  The proliferation of such lies means that internet users need to learn how to separate fact from fantasy.


There are steps that that internet users can take to become more discerning about the information available on the internet.  The first and most obvious step is to distinguish between trustworthy and unreliable websites.  When looking for factual information, be leery of blogs and other websites that do not meet journalistic standards.
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Photo credit:  Stuart Miles/

Whatever happened to Saddam’s WMD?

February 16, 2011

It has been almost eight years since The US-led Coalition invaded Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. There were several reasons presented to the American public to justify the war. There was the Iraqi regime’s support for terrorism, its violations of human rights against Iraqi citizens, and, last but not least, Saddam Hussein’s efforts to amass an arsenal of Weapons of Mass Destruction which, it was argued, might one day be turned over to terrorist groups.

Since the antebellum political discussions much has happened. Saddam’s terror ties are confirmed and were thoroughly documented in a 2008 report, Saddam and Terrorism: Emerging Insights from Captured Iraqi Documents. Likewise, Saddam’s record of torture and mass murder is now a matter of historical record. These facts have been overshadowed by the failure of Coalition forces to find the expected stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons, as well as indications of Saddam’s nuclear weapons program. This, in turn, has led to charges that the Bush Administration lied about the WMD in order to sell the war to Congress and public.

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