Posts Tagged ‘moral’

Rick Santorum: Not just for social conservatives

February 8, 2012

(Kyle Cassidy/Wikimedia)

Since his surprise victory in the Iowa caucuses, Rick Santorum has been derided a candidate for the social conservatives.  Prominent conservative talk show hosts, such as Atlanta’s Neal Boortz, have declared that social conservatives risk re-electing Obama if they vote for Santorum, assuming that a vote for the former senator is rooted only in a desire to overturn Roe v. Wade and prevent the legalization of same-sex marriage.

In contrast, Santorum seems to be quietly building support among Republicans in states that have yet to vote.  His strong performance in recent debates and his status as the only Republican candidate to avoid going negative against his opponents may be what inspires voters to take a closer look at Santorum, but his conservative principles and detailed policy proposals provide a pleasant surprise.  His blue collar background and the revelation in one debate that he did his own taxes make Santorum seem sensible and approachable in a way that Romney and Gingrich are not.

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Should Ga. Dems secede from national party? asks Governor candidate

November 14, 2010

Carl Camon, Democratic primary candidate (Courtesy of Carl Camon)

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Carl Camon has previously been critical of the Democratic Party for its platform planks on moral issues. Mr. Camon is a devoted Christian and Democrat, who finds it hard to support the Democratic Party’s anything-goes stance on social issues and thinks that it might be necessary for the Georgia Democratic Party to disassociate itself with the national Democrats in order to refocus.

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