Posts Tagged ‘privacy’

Barack Obama BigBrother poster

June 18, 2013

Barack Obama BigBrother poster

Sales of George Orwell’s “1984” have skyrocketed since news of the NSA eavesdropping programs became public.

DNA roadblocks cause alarm in Alabama

June 11, 2013
Cynthia Veintemillas/

Cynthia Veintemillas/

Drivers in Alabama over the weekend were concerned as rumors of sporadic roadblocks spread through northeastern Alabama.  According to the rumors, which spread quickly on Facebook and other social media, the roadblocks were manned by local law enforcement and agents of the Department of Homeland Security who were collecting DNA samples from drivers.


The rumor seemed to be confirmed by law enforcement officials on the Alabama news site,  The report said that law enforcement authorities in St. Clair and Bibb counties had confirmed that the roadblocks took place as part of a research study by the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation.

Read the rest on Atlanta Conservative Examiner

Liberals are inconsistent on abortion

December 6, 2010

Life-size model of an eight-week-old unborn baby (Bill Davenport)

Even though abortion took a back seat to economic issues in this year’s midterm elections, it remains an important and divisive topic. The issue of abortion played a central role in the legislative fight over Obamacare and recently returned to the public eye when a Minnesota couple unveiled an internet poll to decide whether to abort their baby or not. (Incidentally, the couple said that the poll’s results were 77% in favor of abortion. When repetitive and fraudulent votes were discarded, the result shifted to 73% in favor of sparing the baby’s life.)

To read the rest of this article, please click the links below:

Part 1:

Part 2: