Posts Tagged ‘Rick Santorum’

2012 GOP race looks like 2008; Gingrich likely to drop out

March 7, 2012

In the wake of Super Tuesday, this year’s Republican primary is starting to look a lot like 2008.  In the primary of that year, initial results were also muddled with a large field of challengers.  This made the outcome unpredictable as large voting blocs split for different candidates.



Two of the current candidates were also in the 2008 final four.  Mitt Romney and Ron Paul were among the candidates that were not winnowed out after the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary in January.  Mike Huckabee and John McCain, the eventual nominee, were the other major players.  Alan Keyes stayed in the race until April, but received even less support than Ron Paul.  Rudy Guiliani and Fred Thompson, also candidates in early races, helped to further muddy the waters.

Continue reading on Republican field likely to thin after Super Tuesday – Atlanta Elections 2012 |

Mitt Romney is best choice for conservatives

March 5, 2012

(Donkey Hotey/Wikimedia)

The candidates are not the only ones flip-flopping in the 2012 Republican primary.  With the exception of Ron Paul, every candidate has led the field at one time or another as voters closely examine them and then move along to the next “flavor-of-the-month.”  The author is no exception, having leaned toward three or four different candidates in the past year.  I have never taken as long to decide who to vote for.  Now, with Georgia’s Republican preference primary looming tomorrow on Super Tuesday, voters in Georgia and nine other states are being forced to make a decision.


The four remaining candidates each have their own pros and cons.
Continue reading on Romney is best candidate for conservatives – Atlanta Conservative |

New poll shows 3-way tie in Georgia

February 22, 2012

A new poll released Tuesday shows that the Republican presidential primary race in Georgia is a three-way tie. The new poll by the Fox Five and the Southern Political Reportshows Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, and Rick Santorum running neck-in-neck among registered likely Georgia voters.

Newt Gingrich placed first in the poll with 26 percent, but Romney and Santorum are both within the margin of error. Romney was in second place with 24 percent and Santorum placed third with 23 percent. Ron Paul was a distant fourth place with 12 percent. Earlier this month, the Atlanta Elections Examiner predicted that the Georgia presidential primary would be too close to call.


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Rick Santorum: Not just for social conservatives

February 8, 2012

(Kyle Cassidy/Wikimedia)

Since his surprise victory in the Iowa caucuses, Rick Santorum has been derided a candidate for the social conservatives.  Prominent conservative talk show hosts, such as Atlanta’s Neal Boortz, have declared that social conservatives risk re-electing Obama if they vote for Santorum, assuming that a vote for the former senator is rooted only in a desire to overturn Roe v. Wade and prevent the legalization of same-sex marriage.

In contrast, Santorum seems to be quietly building support among Republicans in states that have yet to vote.  His strong performance in recent debates and his status as the only Republican candidate to avoid going negative against his opponents may be what inspires voters to take a closer look at Santorum, but his conservative principles and detailed policy proposals provide a pleasant surprise.  His blue collar background and the revelation in one debate that he did his own taxes make Santorum seem sensible and approachable in a way that Romney and Gingrich are not.

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2012 voter guide: Rick Santorum

January 15, 2012

(Kyle Cassidy/Wikimedia)

Rick Santorum recently gained notoriety as the second place winner of the Iowa caucuses. Santorum is a lawyer and former U.S. Senator representing Pennsylvania. Read a full biography of Santorum by the Atlanta Elections Examiner here.

Campaign website:

Supporting PAC: Red, White and Blue Fund (

Ga. website:

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