Posts Tagged ‘Ronald Reagan’

Gas prices, Obamanomics, and the return of inflation

March 8, 2011

Drivers around Atlanta have undoubtedly noticed rising gas prices over the past few weeks. reports that the average price of regular unleaded gasoline in Georgia is $3.428, just below the national average of $3.487. Georgia’s average price has risen 42 cents per gallon in the past month and 78 cents in the past year. This is an even sharper increase than the national average which is up 36 cents in the past month and 74 cents in the past year.

Part of the reason for the increase in gasoline prices is undoubtedly the unrest in the Middle East. Whenever there is political instability in oil-producing regions of the world, which is fairly often, the price of oil tends to rise. This, in turn, causes the price of gasoline and other items made from oil to rise. The problem is compounded by the Obama Administration’s attempts to stop new domestic oil exploration and the EPA’s new carbon regulations.

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What would Reagan tell Obama?

February 6, 2011

Perhaps President Reagan's ghost still lingers in the White House and can advise Barack Obama.

Barack Obama and I have at least one thing in common. We both came of age in the era of Ronald Reagan and the Pax Americana. While Obama was attending Columbia University and becoming a community organizer, I was growing up in a small town in northeast Georgia. What we learned from President Reagan was vastly different, however. Obama grew to oppose all that Reagan stood for, while admiring his charisma and political prowess. I grew to appreciate the truth of Reagan’s words and beliefs. If Obama really admires President Reagan, he should look past his personality and the mere fact of his political success to see effectiveness and truth of the ideas behind Reagan’s actions.

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When President Reagan came to town

February 5, 2011

"Dutch" Reagan on his ranch in 1976 (Courtesy of Ronald Reagan Library)

On the hundredth anniversary of President Reagan’s birth, I recall when I had the opportunity to see the man who would one day be recognized as one of America’s greatest presidents. The year was 1986 and President Reagan had just cruised to a landslide 49 state re-election victory over Walter Mondale. I was a freshman trombone player in the Hart County High School Bulldog Marching Band. President Reagan was coming to Atlanta to campaign for Georgia’s Republican junior senator, Mack Mattingly, and the Bulldog Band was asked to perform.

In those days, the Democratic Party was still a viable force in Georgia. In fact, most local elections in my home town did not even feature a Republican candidate. The majority of these elections were settled in the Democratic primary with the general election being a mere formality. On top of that, President Reagan had vanquished Georgia native (and the only president from Georgia) Jimmy Carter in 1980. President Reagan was not popular with all of my classmates.

Continue reading on When President Reagan came to town – Atlanta Conservative |

Part 2: The Reagan Revolution