Posts Tagged ‘same sex’

Blue state laws enshrine gender confusion

August 15, 2013

Gender changeA new trend in blue states seems to be the notion that gender is less a biological reality than a choice that can be made by each individual. The most recent example of this came on Tuesday when California governor Jerry Brown announced that he had signed a law which will allow transgender students to choose which bathroom and locker room to use based on their self-perception and regardless of their biological gender. According to the Casa Grande Dispatch, the new law will even give transgender students the right to participate in either boys or girls sports and other “sex-segregated programs, activities and facilities.” Karen England, executive director of the Capitol Resource Institute, noted that the law does not require any proof of a gender-identity issue. Instead school administrator must rely on the student’s opinion of their gender identity.

California is only the most recent state to enact laws that prohibit discrimination based on gender identity.


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Obama’s marriage evolution may cost votes in November

May 16, 2012

(Kurt Löwenstein Educational Center International Team)

President Obama’s evolution on marriage in which he returned to his previously stated position of supporting a right for same-sex couples to marry may hurt the president with black and independent voters in November.  The president, who was widely believed to be a closeted supporter of same-sex marriage, removed all doubt in a statement last week in which he said that he personally believed that “it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be able to get married” according to ABC News.

The president did say that the issue belonged to the states, but his administration is not defending the federal Defense of Marriage Act.  The act, passed with broad bipartisan support in 1996 prevents states from being required to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states and defines marriage as between a man and woman for the purposes of federal law.


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The tragedy of transgender children

November 9, 2011

Over the past few weeks and years, “transgendered” people have become a fashionable cause.  One of the first well known transgenders was Chaz Bono, the only daughter of Sonny and Cher.  Chaz, born Chastity Bono, went through a “gender-change” operation and legally changed his name and gender – in California, of course – in 2010.


Even before Chazz, there was Thomas Beatie who was billed as the world’s first pregnant man.  Beatie, who had a sex-change in 2002, still has female reproductive organs.  This allowed him to give birth to three children.  Beatie was granted male legal status by Hawaii.


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Support for same-sex marriage may be overstated

July 11, 2011

(Wing/Wikimedia Commons)

Over the past year, defenders of traditional marriage have suffered a series of setbacks.  In August 2010, a federal judge struck down California’s definition of marriage amendment as had happened in a handful of other states.  Just before Christmas, Congress voted to repeal the “Don’t Ask-Don’t Tell” policy and allow gays to serve openly in the military.  In February 2011, Attorney General Holder announced that the Obama Administration would not defend the federal Defense of Marriage Act against challenges in federal court.  King and Spalding, the Atlanta law firm selected by Congress to defend the law, withdrew from the case in April under pressure from gay rights activist groups.


The trend led Jim Daly, the head of Focus on the Family, to tell “World Magazine” in early June that “We’re losing on that one [gay marriage], especially among the 20- and 30-somethings….”  Daly went on to say, “We’ve probably lost that. I don’t want to be extremist here, but I think we need to start calculating where we are in the culture.”

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Chick-fil-a accused of anti-gay bias

February 18, 2011

J. Reed

Chick-fil-a probably did not expect that a donation of food to a marriage seminar would land the company in hot water with gay activists. What could be offensive about the Georgia-based restaurant chain’s delicious chicken sandwiches? Nevertheless, when a Silver Spring Township, Pennsylvania Chick-fil-a restaurant agreed to donate sandwiches and brownies for one hundred people attending a seminar titled “The Art of Marriage, Getting to the Heart of God’s Design” it caused quite a stir.

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