Posts Tagged ‘Senate’

Democrats are competitive in new Georgia senate, governor polls

July 26, 2014
Donkey Hote/Flickr

Donkey Hote/Flickr

A pair of new polls released on Friday, July 25 paint different pictures of the upcoming Georgia general election. ALandmark/WSB poll paints a stark picture for Republicans David Perdue and Nathan Deal, while a Rasmussen poll is more optimistic for the GOP.

The Landmark/WSB poll addresses both the race for the seat of retiring Georgia Senator Saxby Chambliss and Gov. Nathan Deal’s reelection campaign. The poll of 750 “active Georgia voters” found that both Republican candidates trail their Democratic challengers. Newly anointed Republican Senate nominee David Perdue trails Democrat Michelle Nunn43 – 46 percent. Incumbent governor Nathan Deal trails Democrat Jason Carter 40 – 46 percent. Margin of error in the poll is 3.8 percent.


Read the full article on Elections Examiner



Broad field competes for GOP senate nomination in Georgia

April 22, 2014

The Republican primary for the Senate seat of the retiring Saxby Chambliss is heating up. No fewer than seven candidates are vying for the opportunity to represent Georgia Republicans against the presumed Democratic nominee, Michelle Nunn, daughter of longtime Georgia senator, Sam Nunn. Without a strong GOP frontrunner, the general election is considered a tossup by some analysts.


Recent polls show businessman David Perdue with a small lead over the other candidates. Perdue, a native of Macon and a graduate of Georgia Tech, is a management consultant and has served as an officer at several well known corporations including Reebok and Dollar General. He has two sons and two grandsons and currently lives in St. Simon’s.

Read the full article on Atlanta Conservative Examiner

Republicans have chance for Senate pickups; Georgia, Kentucky become tossups

March 29, 2014
Donkey Hote/Flickr

Donkey Hote/Flickr

According to many analysts, it is becoming increasingly likely that Republicans will wrest control of the Senate from Democrats. Vaunted liberal columnist Nate Silver enraged liberals last week with his forecast of a GOP victory in the Senate. As Examiner reported last year, Republicans need a net gain of six seats to win a Senate majority. A pickup of three to four seats is almost certain with the possibility of a gain of as many as 10. A new series ofRasmussen polls released on March 28 offers insights on the most competitive races.

A total of 36 Senate seats are up for reelection this year. Democrats are defending 21 seats and Republicans 15. The majority of these seats are safe for both parties, but 16 races are competitive enough to offer a challengers a chance.


Read the full article on National Elections Examiner

Ann Coulter denounces ‘shysters’ who attack ‘establishment’ GOP

February 20, 2014

On Sean Hannity’s Fox News show on February 19, guest Ann Coulter and Hannity got into a heated discussion about the nature of the Tea Party on its fifth anniversary.  While both are Tea Party supporters, Coulter differentiated between “people in America who call themselves Tea Partiers [who] are fantastic” and the “con men and scamsters” who “trick good Americans into sending them money, claiming we are fighting for you and they aren’t fighting for you.”

“Basically anyone who claims to be going after establishment Republicans, the key word there is ‘Republican,’” Coulter said.  “If we don’t elect Republicans, I don’t care which Republican, we will not repeal Obamacare.”  She continued, “The only way to repeal Obamacare is to elect Republicans.  It is not to be fighting against Republicans.”

Read the full article and see the video on National Elections Examiner

Gage Skidmore/Wkimedia

Gage Skidmore/Wkimedia

2014 Senate prospects look good for GOP

August 19, 2013
David W. Thornton

David W. Thornton

Forecasts for the 2014 senatorial elections increasingly favor the Republican Party.  The trend toward the GOP is likely driven by a combination of factors including the economy where President Obama’s approval has fallen to 35 percent in an August 15 Gallup poll.  The problems with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act are also a drag on Democratic candidates.  Rasmussen reports that only 41 percent of likely voters now have a favorable view of the health care law while 53 percent view it unfavorably.  The Obama Administration’s scandals, particularly the IRS scandal and NSA wiretapping, have also hurt Democrats.  A Fox News poll from early August showed that largely majorities of Americans believe that all of the Obama scandals should be taken seriously and investigated.


Rasmussen’s generic congressional ballot for August 12 shows 39 percent for both Democrats and Republicans, but the prior week showed the GOP with 41 percent to 38 percent for the Democrats.  The two parties have spent much of the past four months in a statistical tie.

Read the rest on  Elections Examiner

GOP filibuster failure may haunt Dems

April 11, 2013
DOD/Public Domain

DOD/Public Domain

Thursday the Senate voted to open debate on a Democratic bill to expand gun control laws. Democrats overcame a filibuster attempt by Republicans that would have prevented the Senate from considering the bill.

The “Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013” (S.649) is sponsored by Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). The vote for cloture on the motion to proceed passed 68-31 with 16 Republicans joining 50 Democrats and the Senate’s two independents. Georgia’s two senators, Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson joined the Republicans voting for cloture.


Read the rest on Examiner:

Ga. senator to retire in 2014

January 26, 2013
Saxby Chambliss

Saxby Chambliss

The Atlanta Journal reported today that Georgia Republican Saxby Chambliss will not seek reelection to the U.S. Senate in 2014. The report cited Gov. Nathan Deal, who said he told the two-term senator to “make sure he served out his full term because I didn’t want to appoint someone.”

The report was confirmed by the Republican Security Council on a Facebook posting that noted that Chambliss was vulnerable to a primary challenge from Tea Party-backed candidates. The posting also noted that Chambliss had an “excellent record on defense, foreign policy and war on terror issues.”

Read the rest on Examiner:

GOP likely to win senate in 2012

February 28, 2012

Just as 2006 and 2008 were disastrous for the Republicans, the election of 2010 was a disaster for the Democrats.  The Republicans won control of the House of Representatives by winning 63 seats, but although they won six seats in the Senate remained the minority party by a margin of 53-47 (including two independents who side with the Democrats).  There is a strong chance that the Republicans will complete their takeover of Congress in the 2012 elections.

The party affiliation of the senators who are facing re-election this year gives the Republicans a decided advantage.  Including the two independents, the Democrats will be defending a total of 23 senate seats while only 10 Republicans are up for re-election.  This alone would favor the GOP since it has to defend fewer seats while having more opportunities for gains.

Continue reading on GOP likely to capture senate in 2012 – Atlanta Elections 2012 |

Candidate profile: Mike Thurmond for US Senate

October 13, 2010

Michael Thurmond is Georgia native, born in Clarke County. He was the youngest of nine children and grew up attending segregated schools. He graduated from Clarke Senior High School in 1971, where he served as co-president of the student council and held the record for the one hundred yard dash.

Thurmond attended Paine College in Augusta where he majored in philosophy and religion. He also earned a juris doctorate from the University of South Carolina. In 1978, he published A Story Untold: Black Men and Women in Athens History. After graduating from USC, Thurmond returned to Athens to practice law and, in 1986, became the first black member of the General Assembly from Clarke County since Reconstruction. In 1994, Governor Zell Miller tapped Thurmond to head Georgia’s Work First program. Four years later, he became Georgia’s first state Labor Commissioner, where he is now serving his third term. His tenure as Labor Commissioner saw Georgia’s unemployment offices transition to state-of-the-art career centers.

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Where is Mike Thurmond?

October 12, 2010

My kids love the Where’s Waldo? books. In case you are unfamiliar with them, the books contain a series of pictures of a large scale scene. For instance, you might see hundreds of tiny figures in a bustling shopping mall or a busy museum. Somewhere in all the hubbub is Waldo, a bespectacled man wearing a red and white striped shirt. The job of the reader is to locate Waldo on each page.

It is a similar challenge to locate Georgia senatorial candidate Mike Thurmond. Thurmond, who is currently in his third term as Georgia’s State Labor Commissioner, cruised to an easy victory in the Democratic primary with 84% of the vote. Since then he has been virtually unseen.

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