Posts Tagged ‘sexual’

Parental Advisory: Popular Xbox game contains bestiality

December 14, 2011

Xbox bundle containing the "Gunstringer" (David W. Thornton)

There have been numerous debates about sex and violence in such popular video games as “Grand Theft Auto,” but many parents would probably be surprised to learn that a popular game being sold in a bundle with a sensor for Microsoft’s Xbox Kinect video game system contains scenes of graphic bestiality.

On a recent visit to an Atlanta-area Best Buy electronics store, the game was playing on the in-store Kinect demonstrator.  The game, “The Gunstringer,” featured a skeletal cowboy who fights a surly lumberjack in a flashback.  In the course of the fight, the lumberjack falls from a high platform and lands atop a large alligator.  In a long scene, the lumberjack writhes atop the alligator in an unmistakably sexual manner.

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Who will benefit from Cain’s collapse?

November 11, 2011


Herman Cain’s presidential campaign will likely collapse soon under the accumulated weight of sexual harassment charges, ill-advised remarks, and a lack of foreign policy experience.  As the current favorite of the “anyone-but-Romney” wing of the Republican Party, the Georgia businessman’s decline will leave many voters up for grabs.  The question is who is most likely to benefit from Cain’s misfortune.


Cain captured frontrunner status from Rick Perry after Perry’s lackluster performance in several debates.  By now, it is becoming more and more apparent that Perry would not be a formidable opponent to President Obama in the general election.  This realization is seen in the Real Clear Politics average of polls which showed Perry’s support plunge to ten percent from a high of 31 percent in September.  Perry’s introduction of an optional flat tax plan has not stopped his slide in the polls.


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Cain is down and probably out

November 10, 2011

(Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia)

Two weeks ago it seemed that Herman Cain was poised to become the Mike Huckabee of the 2012 presidential election.  In 2008, Huckabee was a political outsider with little money.  His homespun humor combined with his sharp wit and conservative message to make him the surprise winner of the Iowa Republican presidential primary.  Before last week, Georgia native Herman Cain may have been positioned to make a similar impact in 2012.


That was before accusations were leveled that Cain had sexually harassed female employees fifteen years ago.  At this point, a total of four women have accused Cain of harassment, but only two have stepped forward publicly.  Karen Kraushaar worked with Cain at the National Restaurant Association and received a $45,000 payout from the group according to Yahoo News.  (In contrast, Bill Clinton paid $850,000 to Paula Jones according to according to  Although she has not said exactly what Cain allegedly did, she described him as “a monster” to ABC News.

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Leading to the Bedroom: The Christian Couple’s Guide to Soul Sex

January 30, 2011

Courtesy of David Reid

People of my generation will remember George Michael’s exhortation that “Sex is natural, sex is good; not everybody does it, but everybody should.” Michael had it partly right. Sex is natural and good, but it isn’t meant for everybody. Specifically, it is meant for married couples. When practiced within marriage, sex strengthens the relationship between husband and wife. However, other forms of sex can be psychologically and emotionally damaging, not to mention destructive to families. This is part of the message of Leading to the Bedroom by West Georgia pastor and Georgia Tech graduate, David Reid.

This book is important because the divorce rate in Georgia is one of the highest in the country. At the same time, the national marriage rate has been declining for decades. As more and more children are raised in fractured or single-parent families, society suffers. Being a single parent is one of the most certain ways to end up in poverty in this country. Even if the family is financially stable, divorce causes a multitude of psychological and physical problems for children. The physical, emotional and financial toll of broken marriages is a major strain on American society.

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Overcoming sexual abuse

November 12, 2010

Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.” Mark 9:37 (photo: neonzero)

If you know more than a few people, odds are that you know someone who has been sexually abused. One study indicated that as many as 38% of women had been sexually abused by age 18 (Allender, rear flap). Sexual abuse victims are male as well as female, but girls are at a higher risk than boys.

Most abuse is committed by a family member or someone known by the victim. National statistics show that 29% of abuse is committed by family members and 60% is by acquaintances (Allender, p.92). Stop It Now! Georgia reports that in Georgia 82% of cases involve members of the immediate or extended family of the victim. Often the abuser was a birth parent (37% of cases) or a sibling (22%). Abusers can be men or women, but more often the abuser is male (95% in cases of girls and 80% in cases of boys) (p. 272).

To read the rest of this article, please click the links below:

Part 1 Characteristics of Abuse

Part 2 Hope for Healing