Posts Tagged ‘tax cuts’

Why you should vote for Mitt Romney

October 26, 2012

The anti-Obama (Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia)

Recently Examiner made the case against Barack Obama’s reelection. There are a multitude of reasons to vote against Obama, but that is only half of the equation. There are many reasons to make a positive choice to vote for Mitt Romney.

First, when it comes to the economy, Mitt Romney is the anti-Obama. Obama’s plan, only unveiled on October 23, is to raise taxes, increase regulation and spend even more. On the other hand, Mitt Romney wants to reform the tax system by lowering rates and eliminating loopholes that favor the wealthy. He wants to replace burdensome regulations like those in Obamacare and the Dodd-Frank finance law with rules that reflect market realities and common sense. Romney would immediately reduce spending to 2008 levels. Romney proposes to cut spending back to 20 percent of GDP (from its high last year of 24.3 percent) by the end of his first term. In spite of Obama’s claims in the debates and on the campaign trail, Romney does provide specifics. You can find the details of his plan on his website.



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See reasons to NOT vote for Barack Obama

Why the economy may get worse no matter who wins the election

October 4, 2012

Unemployment lines may be soon getting longer no matter how the election turns out.

The United States might well be headed for a double-dip recession regardless of who wins the presidential election in November. Two years ago, President Obama convened a bipartisan commission to examine ways to deal with the ballooning federal debt. TheSimpson-Bowles commissionrecommended a variety of fixes including spending cuts and tax reform, but Congress and the president could not agree. The result of the stalemate was a compromise in which automatic spending cuts and tax increaseswere slated to go into effect on January 1, 2013 if Congress did not act. Now, three months away from the deadline, it appears likely that the doomsday plan will become reality.

It has been called “the tax cliff” or “Taxmageddon.” Regardless of the name, the approaching tax increases represent a significant threat to the already fragile economy. According to a new report released this week by the liberal Tax Policy Center, nearly every tax cut passed since 2001 will expire at once leading to double or triple digit increases on January 1. Taxes will go up an average of $3,500. Nine out of ten Americans will see their taxes increase.


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Obama vs. Bush

June 19, 2012

In the campaign for his re-election, President Obama often points to the fact that the country was in a deep recession when he took office. Obama’s reasoning is that the country was in such a dreadful state in 2008 that it is taking much longer than he originally thought to restore it to prosperity.

It can be instructive to look at the results of the policies of both President Bush and President Obama and compare them side by side. One common criticism of President Obama is his administration’s spending habits. When he recently claimed that “Federal spending since I took office has risen at the slowest pace of any president in almost 60 years,” CNS News and many other outlets fact checked the claim and found it to be untrue.


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Foreign policy

Ga. GOP proposes tax reform

March 20, 2012

In a surprise move the Joint Special Committee on Tax Reform unveiled its proposed tax reform package yesterday with only seven days left in the current session of the General Assembly.  According to the Atlanta Business Chronicle, the proposal is made up of eleven provisions, all of which have been attempted unsuccessfully in the past.

The tax reform bill, officially called H.B. 386, would make the following changes to Georgia tax law:

Continue reading on Ga. GOP proposes last-minute tax reform – Atlanta Conservative |

Why some Republicans may favor a tax increase

August 22, 2011

Recently the story that Republicans are in favor of allowing the payroll tax to increase over President Obama’s opposition has been making the rounds on the internet.  The story, presented as evidence of Republican hypocrisy on taxes, is more complex than it seems.


The cut in the payroll tax stems from last year’s compromise to extend the low, Bush-era tax rates for all Americans.  A provision of the compromise deal lowered the Social Security payroll tax from 6.2 percent to 4.2 percent for employees during 2011.  Employers were still required to pay the full 6.2 percent for their portion of the payroll tax.  The self-employment tax was also cut by two percent.  If not extended, the payroll tax will return to 6.2 percent for employees at the end of the year.  The employer portion will remain the same.


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Economist proposes “space alien” stimulus

August 22, 2011


In a tacit admission that the left is out of ideas on how to fix the economy, economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman recently proposed a new stimulus program in the form a military buildup to ward off an invasion by extraterrestrial aliens.  Drawing upon the history of the Great Depression and an episode of “the Twilight Zone,” Krugman postulated on CNN that government spending on military hardware to combat aliens would revitalize the U.S. economy in short order.  Krugman subscribes to the Keynesian belief that World War II and the debt-financed military buildup that followed finally ended the Great Depression after ten years of FDR’s debt-financed social programs failed to restart the economy.


In reality, the military buildup of the 1940’s and the New Deal stimulus programs were very similar.  The military draft that removed hundreds of thousands of workers from unemployment rolls had civilian equivalents in the Civilian Conservation Corps, the Works Progress Administration and other New Deal government organizations that hired workers for make-work projects.  Similarly, government orders for military hardware that busied factories were akin to New Deal construction projects commissioned by the Public Works Administration and the Civil Works Administration.


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Meet the candidates: Jon Huntsman

August 21, 2011


Jon Huntsman (Public Domain)

Jon Huntsman was born in California, but grew up in Utah.  His father is the founder of Huntsman Corp., a global chemical company.


Huntsman dropped out of high school in his senior year in order to pursue a music career as keyboard player for his band, “Wizards.”  His website notes that with “priorities adjusted,” he earned a G.E.D. and entered the University of Utah the next fall.  After taking two years to serve as a Mormon missionary to Taiwan, Huntsman returned to enroll at the University of Pennsylvania where he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in International Politics.


His political career began almost immediately….


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Who pays taxes

August 18, 2011

Recently there have been a number of calls by liberals ranging from President Obama to Warren Buffett for the “wealthiest Americans” to pay their “fair share” in order to help the economy recover. According to this theory, taxes for the rich were cut to virtually nothing by President Bush. This led to the deficits and mounting national debt that we face today.

According to 2008 tax data, the most recent that is available from the I.R.S, in the Heritage Foundation 2011 Budget Chart the prevailing liberal view that rich Americans are getting a free ride is not accurate. The top one percent of wage earners paid 38 percent of all federal income taxes in 2008. When the view is expanded to include the top 10 percent of wage earners, the richest 10 percent of Americans paid almost 70 percent of all taxes. Conversely, the bottom 50 percent of wage earners paid less than three percent of all taxes in 2008. Democrats have not said what percentage of the tax burden they believe would constitute a fair share.


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Buffett and Obama in 2010 (Pete Souza-Public Domain)