Posts Tagged ‘Tucson shooting’

Obama is right: Conservatives should be civil

January 20, 2011

Sarah Palin was accused of inciting the Tucson shooter. (Therealbs2002)

My friends and readers in Georgia and around the country will probably be shocked to hear me say, but I agree with President Obama. A phrase that many native Georgians heard while they were growing up was “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” This advice applies in politics as well.

Many Georgians have probably closely followed developments in the Tucson shooting, including the accusations that Jared Lee Loughner was inspired by conservative rhetoric. These accusations were quickly discredited, but the controversy over heated political talk remains.

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Part 2: Facts favor Republicans

Bipartisan congressmen want more gun control after Tucson

January 15, 2011

This man is not an easy target for criminals. (USMC)

Public opinion in Georgia overwhelmingly favors second amendment rights. The issue of gun control was noticeably absent from the platforms of most Georgia Democratic candidates in the last election. Nevertheless, gun control remains a popular initiative in some parts of the country.

“David’s Law” states that any prominent violent crime will be followed by an attempt to pass more gun control laws. This is true even if the crime does not involve a gun. True to form, it took only a few days after Jared Lee Loughner killed six and wounded thirteen people, including Representative Gabrielle Giffords and Judge John Roll, for a bipartisan group of congressmen to issue proposals for new gun control measures. In the two years of the Obama presidency, gun control measures have been surprisingly absent as the Democratic majority focused on expanding government control over the economy and increasing discretionary spending, however my February 2009 prediction that the Obama Administration would usher in new restrictions on guns and ammunition may finally be put to the test.

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Public opinion in Georgia overwhelmingly favors second amendment rights. The issue of gun control was noticeably absent from the platforms of most Georgia Democratic candidates in the last election. Nevertheless, gun control remains a popular initiative in some parts of the country.

“David’s Law” states that any prominent violent crime will be followed by an attempt to pass more gun control laws. This is true even if the crime does not involve a gun. True to form, it took only a few days after Jared Lee Loughner killed six and wounded thirteen people, including Representative Gabrielle Giffords and Judge John Roll, for a bipartisan group of congressmen to issue proposals for new gun control measures. In the two years of the Obama presidency, gun control measures have been surprisingly absent as the Democratic majority focused on expanding government control over the economy and increasing discretionary spending, however my February 2009 prediction that the Obama Administration would usher in new restrictions on guns and ammunition may finally be put to the test.

Continue reading on Bipartisan group pushes gun control after Tucson shooting – Atlanta Conservative |