Posts Tagged ‘violence’

Ancient prophecy may be linked to Egypt violence

August 25, 2013
Mohamed Morsi (Wilson Dias/Agencia Brasil)

Mohamed Morsi (Wilson Dias/Agencia Brasil)

The civil strife in Egypt seems to be coming to an end.CBS News reported on Saturday that the curfew for civilians would be shortened from 11 hours per night to nine. The Islamist former president of the country, Mohammed Morsi, is in jail along with many leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood. Over a thousand pro-Morsi demonstrators have been killed by security forces according to a New York Times report. The crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood may have pre-empted Egyptian involvement a soon-to-come regional war against Israeland helped to fulfill a 2,000 year old prophecy.

In Ezekiel 38-39, an ancient Hebrew prophet foretold a future war in which a large Islamic army marched against a reconstituted Israel. Although many of the names of the participating nations are unfamiliar to modern ears, the identities of many can be determined by Biblical scholars. Ironically, Egypt, one of Israel’s largest and most powerful neighbors, is not mentioned in the prophecy even though its modern name is the same as it was in Ezekiel’s day.


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Third of Americans believed armed revolution may be necessary

May 3, 2013

Sprit_of_'76.2A new poll released May 1 shows that nearly one third of Americans (29 percent) believe that armed revolution to protect civil liberties might be necessary within the next few years.  The poll, by Fairleigh Dickinson University, found that almost half of Republicans (44 percent) believe that armed revolution may be necessary, only marginally higher than independents (27 percent).  Only 18 percent of Democrats believe that armed revolution may be necessary.

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Gun control not the answer to mass killings

December 19, 2012
Sandy Hook memorial (VOA/Wikimedia)

Sandy Hook memorial (VOA/Wikimedia)

In the wake of last week’s school shooting in Newtown, Ct. there have been many renewed calls for gun control from the left. On Monday, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Ca.) said onMSNBC that she will introduce a bill to ban “assault weapons” and magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) called on President Obama to “exploit” the killings according to theWashington Times. Today, President Obama announced that Vice President Biden will head a group to craft new gun control policy and that the issue will become a second term priority. Many pro-gun Democrats, such as West Virginia’s Joe Manchin, are changing position.

The liberal position is that if there had only been more laws, Adam Lanza would not have been able to steal the guns that he used to kill 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary School. A look at past mass killings indicates that the opposite may be true.

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Occupy violence may hurt Democrats in elections

May 3, 2012

Occupiers are anarchists, not Democrats.

Occupy protesters celebrated May Day, the traditional labor and communist holiday, with spasms of violence across the country on Monday.  According to Buzz Feed, “Black Bloc” protesters in New York, the cradle of the Occupy movement, attacked photographers and tried to take their cameras.  The New York Daily News reports that the NYPD arrested 86 protesters on charges “ranging from disorderly conduct to assaulting cops.”

On the West Coast, there was even more violence.  In Oakland, police used tear gas and “flash bang” grenades to break up demonstrations and arrested at least 25 protesters according to CBS News.  In Seattle, the violence seemed to be the worst as Occupiers dressed in black broke windows, vandalized cars, blocked traffic and did extensive damage to the federal courthouse MSNBC reports.


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A Klan killing in Georgia

February 10, 2012

There is now a historical marker near the bridge over Broad River where Penn was murdered. (David W. Thornton)

In the early morning of July 11, 1964, three U.S. Army officers passed through Athens to their homes in Washington, D.C.  from Ft. Benning where they had been training.  At the wheel was Lt. Col. Lemuel Penn, a veteran of WWII who had earned the Bronze Star for his service in the New Guinea and Philippines campaigns against the Japanese.  All three officers were black.

Nine days before the men started their drive home from Ft. Benning, President Lyndon Johnson had signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law.  This landmark legislation banned racial discrimination in hiring and ended segregation in public places and many businesses.  Local members of the Ku Klux Klan in Athens had heard rumors that Georgia might become a “testing ground” for the new law according a 2004 article from Online Athens.

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Occupiers vs. Tea Party

October 11, 2011

(David Shankbone

The recent movement to “occupy” Wall St. and various American cities is being likened to a progressive Tea Party by many on the left and in the media.  There are important distinctions between the three-year-old Tea Party movement and the three-week-old occupations.

The most obvious is that the Tea Party is a right-wing movement made of conservatives and libertarians.  These are people who do not normally take part in demonstrations.  Conversely, the left-wingers that make up the occupation movement will typically demonstrate at the drop of a hat.  Over the years there have been leftist demonstrations to save the whales, encourage a nuclear freeze, end global warming, save the spotted owls, and end whichever war is going on at the time, among many others.

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Tea Party terror

August 9, 2011

Some Democrats think the Tea Party is a terrorist group. (David Thornton)

Last week, in the aftermath of the debt limit compromise, it became fashionable in liberal circles to label conservatives, Republicans, and Tea Party members as terrorists.  A common theme among progressives refers to conservatives who are holding the country hostage in order to prevent Democrats from spending their way to an economic recovery.


Representative of many of the progressive musings was a blog on by Froma Harop.  Harop wrote:


“Make no mistake: The tea party Republicans have engaged in economic terrorism against the United States — threatening to blow up the economy if they don’t get what they want. And like the al-Qaida bombers, what they want is delusional: the dream of restoring some fantasy caliphate in which no one pays taxes, while the country is magically protected from foreign attack and the elderly get government-paid hip replacements.  Americans are not supposed to negotiate with terrorists, but that’s what Obama has been doing.”

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Pig foot package woman responds, advocates Muslim violence

April 19, 2011

Dept. of Agriculture

Yesterday reported the story of Jacquelyn Barnett, the Marietta woman who allegedly mailed a bloody pig foot to Rep. Peter King and an anti-Semitic Curious George doll to Greg Ball, a N.Y. state senator. The article was simultaneously posted on the author’s personal blog,, where Ms. Barnett apparently saw it and decided to respond.

The response came in the form of two comments posted under the name “Jameela.” According to sources cited in the original article, Jameela is a pseudonym or nickname used by Ms. Barnett. Jameela is an Arabic name that means “beautiful” or “lovely.” Ms. Barnett is self-described as a Muslim and reportedly is blogger.

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Obama is right: Conservatives should be civil

January 20, 2011

Sarah Palin was accused of inciting the Tucson shooter. (Therealbs2002)

My friends and readers in Georgia and around the country will probably be shocked to hear me say, but I agree with President Obama. A phrase that many native Georgians heard while they were growing up was “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” This advice applies in politics as well.

Many Georgians have probably closely followed developments in the Tucson shooting, including the accusations that Jared Lee Loughner was inspired by conservative rhetoric. These accusations were quickly discredited, but the controversy over heated political talk remains.

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Part 2: Facts favor Republicans

Was the Tucson shooting a product of the Tea Parties?

January 10, 2011

The scene of the shooting in Tucson. Was Tea Party rhetoric responsible?

Georgians join the people of Arizona in condemning the senseless act of violence and mourning the victims of the recent Tucson shooting. Georgians also wonder what Jared Lee Loughner’s motive was. Was he trying to make a political point or was he simply deranged?

In the days since the shooting in Tucson, leftists have rushed to denounce the murders as the result of radical right-wing rhetoric. Specifically, left-wing bloggers on cited a “veteran Democratic operative” who called for the administration to “deftly pin this on the tea partiers” before the facts were in. Similar clams were made after the attack on the IRS building in Texas and the Times Square car bombing.

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