Posts Tagged ‘Yemen’

Iran film: Muslim messiah arrives in August 2011

March 31, 2011

Khamenei with Vladimir Putin. The Bible prophesies an alliance between Iran and Russia (

The film also discusses the primary characters in the Mahdi prophecies. The Sofiani is only briefly mentioned in the film, but other sources indicate that this is a bloodthirsty leader with links to Syria. The Sofiani will send an army to oppose the Mahdi. He will also kill women and children. Ironically, suicide bombers, terrorists, and Arab dictators all make war on women and children.

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Iranian film says Muslim messiah returning soon

March 30, 2011

Ahmadinejad (Daniella Zalcman

A documentary video, “The Coming is Near,” released on March 28 by the Iranian government promotes the idea that the Mahdi, an apocalyptic Muslim messiah, is about to return to usher a new Islamic civilization. The documentary is based in Twelver Muslim theology to which many of Iran’s highest leaders subscribe.

Twelver Muslims are a branch of Shia (Shiite) Islam. Shiites and Sunnis, two factions prominent in the Iraq War, split after the death of Muhammad in A.D. 632 in a disagreement over who his successor should be. Sunnis, the dominant branch of Islam, believe that leadership should be by elected leaders, while Shiites believe that Muslim leaders should come from Muhammad’s family line. The Shia believe that there were twelve such leaders, called imams, although many Shia religious leaders use the title today.

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