Posts Tagged ‘9/11’

Interview with Harbinger author, Jonathan Cahn

January 21, 2013
Jonathan Cahn/ Ha Navi Gallery (Fair Use)

Jonathan Cahn/ Ha Navi Gallery (Fair Use)

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, the best-selling author of “the Harbinger: the Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future,” recently took time from his busy schedule to answer a series of questions from Rabbi Cahn, who will be the keynote speaker at today’s Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C.

“The Harbinger” is a work of fiction, but Cahn uses the fictional story of a writer’s meetings with a mysterious prophet to tell the real story of nine harbingers that preceded the destruction of ancient Israel. Cahn believes that the same harbingers are warning modern America of God’s impending judgment. “The Harbinger” has recently passed a major publishing milestone with a 1 million copies sold.

David W. Thornton: How was The Harbinger prophecy revealed to you?  Was it similar to the fictional account in the novel or was it purely through prayer and study?


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“Harbinger” author to headline inaugural prayer breakfast

January 5, 2013
Jonathan Cahn/ Ha Navi Gallery (Fair Use)

Jonathan Cahn/ Ha Navi Gallery (Fair Use)

Jonathan Cahn, a controversial messianic rabbi, announced on his Facebook page today that he has been asked to be the keynote speaker at the Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast on Jan. 21.  Cahn is the rabbi of the Beth Israel Worship Center in Wayne, N.J. and president of the Hope of the World ministry.  He is also the author of “The Harbinger,” a prophetic novel that details Cahn’s belief that the United States is receiving divine warnings as a prelude to judgment.


“The Harbinger” centers around Isaiah 9:10, a verse in which the ancient Israelites vowed to rebuild stronger than before in the aftermath of an Assyrian attack.  Cahn finds many parallels between modern America and ancient Israel.

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More 9/11 myths

September 20, 2011

(US Navy)

In memory of the victims of the 9/11 attacks and the casualties in the war against the terrorists since then, the Atlanta Conservative Examiner is addressing some of the conspiracies surrounding 9/11 in the hope that sanity will prevail and that Americans can once against unite against a very real and common enemy instead of wasting time and resources chasing phantoms.  Six Georgians died in the attacks, eight Georgians died in Afghanistan and 124 Georgianswere killed in Iraq.  Let us honor their memory and the sacrifice of the thousands of other Americans and Georgians who served or were wounded in action by fighting the real enemy:  Al Qaeda and radical Islam.

Continue reading on to learn about cockpit doors, whether President Bush’s brother headed WTC security, why Flight 93 wasn’t shot down and what happened to Building 7.

More 9/11 myths: Cockpit doors, Marvin Bush, and Building 7 – Atlanta Conservative |
Even more 9/11 myths:

9/11: The good, the bad and the evil

September 9, 2011

(Mark D. Phillips/Stellar Images/ Fair Use)

September 11 marks the dividing line between the carefree prosperity of the ‘90s and the 2000’s, a decade plagued by war, fear, and financial hardship.  While the date, September 11, 2001, will be remembered as a day of infamy, there were many aspects and reactions to the attacks.


When most Americans think of the good of 9/11, they think of the courageous police and firefighters and their self sacrifice.  In all, 343 firefighters and 72 police officers from across New York died in the World Trade Center collapse.  Many of them were helping injured and frightened people escape the towers and died when the towers collapsed around them.  One of the first casualties of the attack was FDNY Chaplain Mychal Judge.  Father Mike was hit by falling debris and killed while administering last rites to victim.  The picture of four firefighters carrying Father Mike’s body is an iconic image of 9/11.  John wrote in the Bible, “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends” (John 15:13).


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WTC Cross (Ben Franske/Wikimedia)

The truth about 9/11

September 6, 2011
(National Park Service/Wikimedia/Public Domain)

As the U.S. approaches the tenth anniversary of the attacks on September 11, 2001, it is time to put to rest the myriad of conspiracy theories that have surrounded both the attacks and the U.S. response.  Radicals from both the extreme right and left have sought to propagate these theories in order to further their own aims.  Not coincidentally, many of these conpiricists have also made handsome profits from books and films that purport to dispel the lies about 9/11.

The attacks, which were the worst attack on U.S. soil since Pearl Harbor, resulted in the deaths of 2,996 people.  Several Georgians were also killed in the attacks.  Maynard Spence of Douglasville, Harshad Thatte of Norcross, Adam White of Atlanta, and Claude Michael Gann of Roswell died in the World Trade Center.  Leslie Whittington of Atlanta died when American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon.  U.S. Army Maj. Steve Long of Georgia died in the Pentagon.

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Part2:  Time to put 9/11 conspiracies to rest:

(USMC/Wikimedia/Public Domain)

9/11 changed commercial aviation

September 1, 2011

(Public domain/Wikimedia)

As a professional pilot, my life has been strongly impacted by the attacks on 9/11. On September 11, 2001, I was a flight instructor for a training academy in Florida. That morning, I was in the school’s computer lab when the Internet connection went down.

A short time later, a student said he had heard on the news that an airplane had hit the World Trade Center. My first assumption was that it had been an accident involving a small general aviation aircraft. When reports of a second airplane hitting the WTC came in, I realized that it was a deliberate attack.


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Is Osama bin Laden really dead?

May 5, 2011


In the days since Osama bin Laden’s death was announced, doubts have begun to emerge about whether bin Laden was really killed by US Navy SEALs in the May 1 raid on his home in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Some of the doubts are predictable, coming from Arab nations where the people have been conditioned by their leaders to question anything the US says or conspiracy theorists who believe that nothing is as it seems. Let us once again don our tinfoil hats to examine the various conspiracy theories surrounding Osama bin Laden’s death.

Some critics cite the numerous changes to reported details of the raid. There are questions about whether bin Laden was armed, whether his daughter or wife was shot trying to defend him, and whether he was given the chance to surrender. This type of confusion is typical of the heat of battle and even has a name: “the fog of war.” In almost every military action, it takes time to sort out the details.

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More Osama bin Laden conspiracy theories (Part 2)

Why the New York Terror Trials Are A Bad Idea

November 24, 2009

Attorney-General Holder recently announced plans to move the trials of several Guantanamo detainees, among them Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, to New York City. The plan has drawn opposition from both sides of the political spectrum and is a bad idea for several reasons.

Most obviously, the show trial is a bad idea because it is unnecessary. The detainees have already admitted guilt. KSM in particular has repeatedly confessed his role in planning the 9/11 attacks and has indicated his desire to be executed so that he can become a martyr [1 ]. As radio talk show host and author Michael Medved put it, “Normally I don’t agree with giving in to the demands of terrorists, but when they demand to be executed, that is one demand that we should give in to” [2].

The detainees were set to receive fair trials from military tribunal. A military trial would have saved the government millions of dollars. A criminal trial in the civilian justice system will be expensive, especially in light of the runaway spending habits the Obama Administration has already exhibited. A civilian trial will mean that the government must pay for civilian lawyers, court costs, and security in expensive New York City. A military trial could have been conducted on a secure military base with military lawyers at minimal cost.

Security is also a concern. It will be very difficult to provide security for the courthouse and for all the people involved in the trials. Securing the area will likely involve a huge disruption of buildings and streets surrounding the courthouse as well. In an era when one terror plot after another is being discovered – or carried out – a huge, well publicized trial will provide a tempting target for both homegrown radicals and international terrorists.

A show trial will necessarily be covered in-depth by the media. This media coverage will grant the defendents a golden opportunity to espouse their radical anti-American views and claim abuse at the hands of the United States. Likely defense strategies will involve claims of torture and attacks on US foreign policy. The defendents have already announced their plans to plead not guilty in order to justify their actions as a reasonable response to American actions abroad [3]. This publicity can do nothing but harm the United States and will likely serve to radicalize more Muslims and inspire them to carry on the jihad. Justice does not require that the US give terrorists a media soapbox from which to address the world.

There is also a question of jurisdiction. These detainees are not US citizens, they were not arrested in the United States, and their crimes were not committed in the United States. Most of the detainees were captured in Afghanistan. KSM was captured in Pakistan. None of the detainees were directly involved in the 9/11 terror attacks or any other attacks on US soil. Instead, they planned and supported attacks on the US and other countries from bases in other countries.

As noncitizens, the detainees are not entitled to the protections of the US Constitution. As illegal combatants who were not members of an organized national army, they are entitled to only limited protection under the Geneva Convention. To move military prisoners from a war into the civilian criminal justice system is unprecedented. In World War II, prison camps in the continental United States housed German and Italian prisoners-of-war. These POWs were not granted habeas corpus and were not allowed to challenge their detention in US courts.

Additionally, since these prisoners of the War on Terror were captured by the military, the standard of proof of guilt is different that what is required for arrest by a civilian police officer. For example, a defense attorney might object because soldiers never advised the detainees of their Miranda rights. It may also be difficult for a prosecutor to show enough evidence to a jury to assure a conviction without compromising intelligence sources. Rules are very different for soldiers and police officers because they serve different roles.

Along the same lines, if US soldiers are required to abide by civilian standards in order to protect prosecution in future cases, the result will be more dead soldiers and more terror attacks. Applying peacetime civilian standards to soldiers in combat will mean that more terrorists go free. If more terrorists remain on the loose, it means that they will be free to attack US soldiers abroad or civilian targets here at home. It might also mean that US forces are less likely to take prisoners in the future if it becomes apparent that lawyers are intent on forcing the release of terrorists based on legal technicalities.

In some cases, civilian criminal courts are an appropriate venue for trying terrorists. For example, when a terrorist is a US citizen he has a constitutional right to a trial by jury. Likewise, a foreign terrorist who is apprehended within the US by civilian authorities can correctly processed in the civilian criminal justice system. However, it is gross mistake to place foreign terrorists and guerillas, captured abroad, into a criminal justice system better suited to dealing with common murderers and burglars.

Attorney-General Holder and President Obama’s plan for show trials in New York City is a bad idea on many levels. It will be expensive, dangerous and embarassing to the United States. It will waste millions of dollars in a time when our national treasury is already depleted. It will attract terrorists to the cameras like moths to a flame. It will provide a means for the terrorists on trial to broadcast their views to the world and recruit more disaffected Muslims. Finally, it is legally questionable and completely unnecessary. It grants unprecedented rights to illegal combatants and sets a frightening precedent for how the US will handle terrorist trials in the future. Such decisions by President Obama and the members of his administration cannot help but have a negative affect on the prosecution of the War on Terror and consequently make us all less safe.

November 23, 2009
Enroute to White Plains NY
2. As heard on the Michael Medved radio show. Available on podcast at
3. “Lawyer: 9/11 Suspects Won’t Deny Roles,” USA Today, November 23, 2009.