Posts Tagged ‘foreign policy’

Why you should vote for Mitt Romney

October 26, 2012

The anti-Obama (Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia)

Recently Examiner made the case against Barack Obama’s reelection. There are a multitude of reasons to vote against Obama, but that is only half of the equation. There are many reasons to make a positive choice to vote for Mitt Romney.

First, when it comes to the economy, Mitt Romney is the anti-Obama. Obama’s plan, only unveiled on October 23, is to raise taxes, increase regulation and spend even more. On the other hand, Mitt Romney wants to reform the tax system by lowering rates and eliminating loopholes that favor the wealthy. He wants to replace burdensome regulations like those in Obamacare and the Dodd-Frank finance law with rules that reflect market realities and common sense. Romney would immediately reduce spending to 2008 levels. Romney proposes to cut spending back to 20 percent of GDP (from its high last year of 24.3 percent) by the end of his first term. In spite of Obama’s claims in the debates and on the campaign trail, Romney does provide specifics. You can find the details of his plan on his website.



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See reasons to NOT vote for Barack Obama

Obama vs. Bush

June 19, 2012

In the campaign for his re-election, President Obama often points to the fact that the country was in a deep recession when he took office. Obama’s reasoning is that the country was in such a dreadful state in 2008 that it is taking much longer than he originally thought to restore it to prosperity.

It can be instructive to look at the results of the policies of both President Bush and President Obama and compare them side by side. One common criticism of President Obama is his administration’s spending habits. When he recently claimed that “Federal spending since I took office has risen at the slowest pace of any president in almost 60 years,” CNS News and many other outlets fact checked the claim and found it to be untrue.


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Foreign policy

2012 voter guide: Rick Perry

January 17, 2012

Campaign Website:

Supporting PAC:

Ga. Website:  Georgians for Rick Perry on Facebook

Rick Perry is the governor of Texas.  Read a full biography of Rick Perry by the Atlanta Conservative Examiner here.

Taxes:   Perry favors an optional 20 percent flat tax that can be filled out on a postcard.  He would eliminate the capital gains and death taxes, as well as the tax on Social Security benefits.  He would reduce the corporate tax rate to 20 percent and tax repatriated profits at a reduced rate.

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2012 voter guide: Rick Santorum

January 15, 2012

(Kyle Cassidy/Wikimedia)

Rick Santorum recently gained notoriety as the second place winner of the Iowa caucuses. Santorum is a lawyer and former U.S. Senator representing Pennsylvania. Read a full biography of Santorum by the Atlanta Elections Examiner here.

Campaign website:

Supporting PAC: Red, White and Blue Fund (

Ga. website:

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2012 voter guide: Newt Gingrich

January 15, 2012

(Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia)

Campaign website:

Supporting PAC:

Ga. website:

Biography:  Gingrich is a former Speaker of the House of Representatives from Georgia.  Read his full biography by the Atlanta Conservative Examiner here.

Taxes: Newt Gingrich would make the low Bush-era tax rates permanent. He would also create an optional flat tax with a 15 percent rate. This tax would preserve the home mortgage interest and charitable deductions, as well as establishing a $12,000 standard deduction.


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2012 voter guide: Ron Paul

January 12, 2012

Ron Paul is a Republican representative from Texas in his third presidential run. He is a medical doctor who has a private practice as an obstetrician. Read a full biography of Ron Paul by the Atlanta Elections Examiner here.

Campaign website:

Supporting PAC:


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The Ron Paul phenomenon

December 19, 2011

Ron Paul with supporters (DickClarkMises/Wikimedia)

Ron Paul is beginning to frighten me.

To be totally accurate, it isn’t just Dr. Paul that frightens me, but his followers do as well.  The relationship between Ron Paul and his followers seems to be almost unique in modern American politics.  Dr. Paul’s followers, often referred to as “Paulestinians” by talk show host Michael Medved (listen to Medved on Atlanta’s AM-920 WGKA), are fiercely loyal to their candidate, which explains why Paul often wins straw polls.  These contests are not normal elections, but consist of activists who often have to pay or go out of their way to take part.  Paul’s supporters, while small in number, are fully dedicated to Paul’s success.

Ron Paul is in the Republican Party, but is not of it.

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Why Ron Paul can’t win

November 17, 2011

Ron Paul is a frequent winner of straw polls and has a loyal following among libertarians. In spite of winning these polls, Paul has no chance of winning the Republican nomination. This is not because of a Republican or media (or Bilderberger or Illuminati or any other) conspiracy. The reason lies in Paul’s political beliefs and the nature of the straw polls that he wins.

Paul, a Republican congressman representing a Texas house district, is not a normal Republican. Between terms in Congress as a Republican, he ran for president as a Libertarian Party candidate. Even today, his platform is starkly different than those of other Republicans.


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Cain is down and probably out

November 10, 2011

(Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia)

Two weeks ago it seemed that Herman Cain was poised to become the Mike Huckabee of the 2012 presidential election.  In 2008, Huckabee was a political outsider with little money.  His homespun humor combined with his sharp wit and conservative message to make him the surprise winner of the Iowa Republican presidential primary.  Before last week, Georgia native Herman Cain may have been positioned to make a similar impact in 2012.


That was before accusations were leveled that Cain had sexually harassed female employees fifteen years ago.  At this point, a total of four women have accused Cain of harassment, but only two have stepped forward publicly.  Karen Kraushaar worked with Cain at the National Restaurant Association and received a $45,000 payout from the group according to Yahoo News.  (In contrast, Bill Clinton paid $850,000 to Paula Jones according to according to  Although she has not said exactly what Cain allegedly did, she described him as “a monster” to ABC News.

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Serious questions for liberals, Democrats and other Obama supporters

August 5, 2011

As President Obama’s first and possibly only termbegins to draw to a close, it is fitting to look back over the past three years and evaluate his


performance.  President Obama began with an ambitious reform agenda that included leading the nation out of the Great Recession, enacting what became his signature piece of legislation, the Affordable Care Act, and changing the image of America abroad, in part by closing the detainment facility for terrorists at Guantanamo and withdrawing from Iraq.


Some of these goals have been accomplished while others obviously have not.  In the case of the accomplished goals, often the result has been far from what the president intended.  There are several questions that we must consider in light of the past three years.


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