Posts Tagged ‘isolationism’

The Ron Paul phenomenon

December 19, 2011

Ron Paul with supporters (DickClarkMises/Wikimedia)

Ron Paul is beginning to frighten me.

To be totally accurate, it isn’t just Dr. Paul that frightens me, but his followers do as well.  The relationship between Ron Paul and his followers seems to be almost unique in modern American politics.  Dr. Paul’s followers, often referred to as “Paulestinians” by talk show host Michael Medved (listen to Medved on Atlanta’s AM-920 WGKA), are fiercely loyal to their candidate, which explains why Paul often wins straw polls.  These contests are not normal elections, but consist of activists who often have to pay or go out of their way to take part.  Paul’s supporters, while small in number, are fully dedicated to Paul’s success.

Ron Paul is in the Republican Party, but is not of it.

Read this article on

Lessons from 1938

July 12, 2011



Putin and Ahmadinejad: Friends against a common enemy? (

While the storm clouds gather far across the sea,
Let us swear allegiance to a land that’s free,
Let us all be grateful for a land so fair,
As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer.

-Irving Berlin, introduction to “God Bless America”


Composer Irving Berlin penned those words as an introduction to the patriotic song “God Bless America” in 1938.  In that year, Americans surely felt the need for God’s blessings.


As Berlin noted, war clouds

were gathering across both oceans that lapped at America’s shores.  Beyond the Atlantic, Adolf Hitler has assumed power in Nazi Germany and began to rebuild the German military in violation of the Treaty of Versailles.  That year Germany annexed Austria and Czechoslovakia’s Sudetenland as other European leaders followed a policy of appeasement.  Kristallnacht, a night of coordinated attacks and pogroms against German Jews also took place in 1938.

Continue reading on Why 2011 looks a lot like 1938 – Atlanta Conservative |

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Part 2:  Lessons from 1938